Thursday, August 25, 2022

Blooms and Darkness

not-quite Journaling, 40

8/15/2022: When these tiny flowers began to bloom (late in summer), I thought the New York City heat would do them in. I watered them twice daily and loved them all the time, with lots of hope and few illusions. (In self-defense) I readied my heart for disappointment… that never came. Don’t you just love it when Nature shows us that resilience often comes in the most fragile of forms?    


some superheroes
need a cape to save their world,
bees are born with wings

8/20/2022: Today is National Honey Bee Day across the USA. And although this solitary carpenter bee produces no honey, her pollinating work still deserves celebrating. Plant a yummy bloom. Save a bee (or billions).


summer looks
much like autumn
springing before nature changes


8/24/2022: My wee garden is starting to look pleasantly autumnal. The kernels of the strawberry popcorn (which isn’t ready for harvesting, regardless of what some adventurous blue jays might think) look like jewels. The strawberry plant is fruiting (and flowering 🤷🏽). Even the sky looks to be in an autumnal sort of mood. I feel Nature cooling, slowing down before another needed wintry rest… and I’m enjoying every bit.

8/25/2022: Inspired by Gault, a nightmare who refused to be what others expected of her. Meet her in The Sandman TV show, adapted from Neil Gaiman’s comic book series.

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #41:TV Time,
where Rommy invites us to write from the point of view of a television character from a show we like.

Thursday, August 18, 2022


Love is
multifaceted realities.
One can be loved
gently, kindly, safely…
and choose
to love in kind. Except

with you; with us
there’s no choice—

our love is
inevitable, inescapable,
explosive, all
the only one

of its kind.


photo by Theo Eilertsen Photography on, Unsplash

- someone once told me that “True love is a sweet and unselfish thing that makes us feel safe.” I didn’t say, Bullshit! But I was thinking it.  I believe all loves are true lovessome are sweet, some are devastating, some last a lifetime, some are lived in moments… And they are all true loves (in their own complex way).  

 - for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #40: Lists in Ink.