not-quite Journaling, 38
7/3/2022: The
first passionflower of the season is finally
showing her colors and curls. I opened the bedroom window, and the bloom hit my
senses like a double blessing: the scent is deliciously sweet and the fact that
I can smell it properly is even sweeter (since it tells me that my COVID
symptoms are going bye-bye). Soon, my Piano Man and I will be able to leave
the apartment!
7/19/2022: After I left the military, a handful of good friends and I
started a virtual news trivia group. We were avid NPR listeners, while in the
Marine Corps, so the trivia group felt like a nice way to stay connected. The
group has remained unchanged for 15 years. Two weeks ago, one of the friends
stopped interacting. I was worried, so I’ve been emailing her. She finally
replied today, just eleven words, to say: “I don’t dare the news anymore. I
just can’t unsee it.” 7/22/2022:
York City is hot enough to melt all desire for walking outside. My wee garden (and
my not-so-wee hot flashes) are not enjoying the latest heatwave. Everything
planted in small or medium pots requires watering twice a day. The same goes
for the tomatoes and the corn, even though they’re growing in fairly ginormous
pots—they just love water. On the flesh and body side of my life equation, I
still can’t shake the fatigue that has been plaguing me for weeks and weeks. I
try to rest more and exercise less, but… no joy. My doctor thought B-12
injections might help, but I haven’t noticed any change. I don’t mind the
physical tiredness so much—pain and weariness and I have been dancing this dance
for a very long time—but the constant fatigue is starting to affect my creative
juices. That last bit scares me. I’m not frightened by much. Not being able to read
and write and reason at my usual levels leaves me shaking in my combat boots. But
enough of that. Tell me something fun and/or exciting. My exhausted flesh and
bones and mind can use a spark.
- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #36: