Thursday, July 28, 2022


My pencil struggles in summer’s grip,
wishing for the old soothing
of felt stories.

My muse paces in creativity’s mind,
wanting for new tales
of lived poetry. 

I’ve poured summer
into parchment,
but my pencil dreams
of autumn cool.

photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger, on Unsplash

- I used to love summer. I delighted in the heat, in the sounds, in the lively brightness that seemed to touch all things. But perimenopause has changed everything. Now, what used to feel rejuvenating, exhilarating, and all-around fun is just… hot, oppressive, consuming. These days, I find myself yearning for the cooling touch of autumn. And the way things are going, I suspect that I’ll soon start loving winter.

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #37: Stay Happy and Alive.


  1. Oh yes, hot flashes will make you want to move to the Arctic soon enough.

  2. I think the summers are hotter in any case, aren't they? Autumn is a lovely season, my favourite, and your words evoke it enticingly.

    1. They certainly seem to be. We aren't been very nice to the only planet that will have us. I suspect that we'll continue to cook ourselves to death.

    2. And I used to love autumn because of the holidays. Now, I will love it for the weather too. 😁

  3. felt stories and lived poetry - am in that zone, or trying to be, these days!!!

  4. Like your pencil, I also dream of cooler days. The level of heat we have nowadays can overwhelm the creative mind … like a smothering blanket over thought.

  5. I really liked your prompt idea today. Your muse is working great! Now scribble your thoughts and go on. That's how midlife goes, we go on. Or don't accept it and like so many I've seen writing since 2005, just die. Quite a few of my "social friends" have died, literally. For kicks I check on my blog rolls and do find old friends still at it. Others like the social and not the writing so go like Facebook only. I do both, some of my stuff I post there.
    I try to write for my readers, I know some just tolerate me, I try to read for them inclusively. That can make me more a fool than a writer who's always a child.
    On the literal side, I solved for me thinking "mid useful life'. For me that started at age twenty. I haven't figured the upper number but I am getting close. My dad lived to be 97 and was useful until he became senile. His last few year, four?
    Jim, google didn't like my URL

    1. I've found that the life of the chronically ill is very similar to the life of the elderly, when it comes to loss. I've lost many friends. But they fought and lived until the very end, so we best fight too.

      I am thankful for our small writing community. So many people have moved on or gone elsewhere. It is nice to see/read the same faces we started blogging with years and years ago.

  6. Changes happen. Enjoy every change, every nusnce of your life. Stay safe. Be Happy.


  7. I can get pretty disoriented when an old standby doesn't bring as much joy as it once did. But thankfully there's autumn and other things to love. I hope you get some relief from the heat soon.

  8. Unlike you, I've never loved summer. Give me the cool weather anytime! Be blessed in your creative musings, Magaly!

    1. Well, at least, I have something new to love. We shall love the cool weather together. Thank you for the creative blessings, MMT.

  9. Yes I hear you - the older I get the less enticing summer activities sound - swimming and wearing a bathing suit - yikes.

    1. I wish I had a nice clean river nearby. I miss swimming in fresh water...

  10. Only four weeks and it will be your Autumn and our Spring. I am looking forward to warmer weather. We have had a very cold wet winter this year Your creative juices will flow again soon in the cooler weather. Take care !.....Rall

    1. May you enjoy the warmth as much as I know I will delight in the chill. I don't think I've ever looked forward to autumn and winter this much, lol!

  11. My dear friend. You describe the summer beautifully. I always enjoy reading what you write. It's your soul. Over the years of living her on the Oregon coast I have complained, moaned, groaned and down right bitched about the weather here. It's always cool to cold, windy, rainy and at times just miserable. However, this year with the heat I am thankful for the average 65°F weather. Stay cool and write something beautiful for me to read.

  12. Cool poem!
    I struggle with a pencil sometimes, and the weather is mostly hot over here. Sometimes, the muse is kind, and decides to get out of hibernation. I also do some posting over at Instagram with a little yellow duck (very little poetry, mostly random nonsense) to keep the happy creativity going. :)

    1. I'm quite fond of your little yellow duck. He's funny! And so very adventurous.

  13. Even when you sort of complain, you are able to do it with style, grace and tons of creativity. As I sit here typing the temperature in Bend is 102 ... the only saving grace, the humidity is 18%.

  14. Your poem speaks of longing and a season of creative discontent. Fortunately, seasons come and go, and I really hope your muse returns soon to inspire new stories. As for weather, it's certainly been a scorching summer, and with perimenopause in the mix, I feel you. Take care, Maga!

  15. Spring and Autumn are my two favourite seasons ...

    All the best Jan

  16. Summer is always the busiest time of year for me. And Spring is also the busiest time of year. Fall is harvest time, the busiest time of year. And winter, with so much snow, is the busiest time of year. All else gets pushed back.

    Take care, Magaly

  17. I have a problem with the heat, I get sick feeling when it is too hot! Autumn and Spring are the best times because they are neither too hot or too cold!

  18. Love the poem, Magaly. This Summer has me waiting anxiously for Fall.


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