week, I shared this Pratchett quote: “There should be a word for the microscopic
spark of hope that you dare not entertain in case the mere act of acknowledging
it will cause it to vanish, like trying to look at a photon. You can only sidle up to it, looking past it,
walking past it, waiting for it to get big enough to face the world.”
Then, I asked my Instagram friends to
share words that said “microscopic spark of hope” to them. These are some of
the words they shared: sideways gleam, breath, comfortably numb, democracy,
dormant, glimmer, glint, grace, growth, inkling, longing, seed, shimmer,
smidgeon, twinkle, wisp. The haibun that follows contains their words and
my feels.
I remember that day… when chaos
and anguish named themselves victorious, when temper ran fierily short and compromise
turned cryptid, when our dark and our bright couldn’t come together to birth a
twilight all could (or wanted to) be thrilled about. I remember feeling
a wisp of wonder, a glint of grace, a glimmer, a shimmer, a twinkle, a sideways
gleam of something… beautiful and free.
I remember asking, “What is that?
What is that dormant seed I see, that comfortably numb warmth spreading yum
through tongues and brains and feels? What is that?” I remember a garden of
voices answering, “That is your wish and mine kissing reality, that is a
smidgeon of democracy longing for more and better… for all.”
in our words,
a growing inkling
of wild hope
“Beautiful, YOU Are”, by Magic Love Crow
for Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #45: Artistic Interpretation).