Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Garden of Voices

Last week, I shared this Pratchett quote: “There should be a word for the microscopic spark of hope that you dare not entertain in case the mere act of acknowledging it will cause it to vanish, like trying to look at a photon.  You can only sidle up to it, looking past it, walking past it, waiting for it to get big enough to face the world.” Then, I asked my Instagram friends to share words that said “microscopic spark of hope” to them. These are some of the words they shared: sideways gleam, breath, comfortably numb, democracy, dormant, glimmer, glint, grace, growth, inkling, longing, seed, shimmer, smidgeon, twinkle, wisp. The haibun that follows contains their words and my feels.

I remember that day… when chaos and anguish named themselves victorious, when temper ran fierily short and compromise turned cryptid, when our dark and our bright couldn’t come together to birth a twilight all could (or wanted to) be thrilled about. I remember feeling a wisp of wonder, a glint of grace, a glimmer, a shimmer, a twinkle, a sideways gleam of something… beautiful and free.

I remember asking, “What is that? What is that dormant seed I see, that comfortably numb warmth spreading yum through tongues and brains and feels? What is that?” I remember a garden of voices answering, “That is your wish and mine kissing reality, that is a smidgeon of democracy longing for more and better… for all.”

in our words,
a growing inkling
of wild hope

“Beautiful, YOU Are”, by Magic Love Crow

- for Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #45: Artistic Interpretation).


  1. That is beautiful. I love "...a smidgeon of democracy longing for more..."

  2. Wonderful! I love this piece of writing, particularly the wording of haiku.

  3. That feeling is being felt all over the world. I am glad you wrote this piece Magaly.

    1. Thank you, Robin! And I am so happy the feeling is shared.

  4. (“That is your wish and mine kissing reality, that is a smidgeon of democracy longing for more and better… for all.”)
    Such gorgeous words

    Happy Wednesday


  5. This is an exquisite piece of writing, Magaly. It speaks for the legion who stood hours to cast their vote, longing for the cessation of chaos.

    1. Thank you, Bev. I am glad it speaks those feelings.

  6. Wild hope brought to fruition is the best hope of all!

  7. The wonderful depth of YOU shines thru loud and clear and infinitesimally great.

  8. I love where you gleaned the words for your haibun, Magaly, an interesting list, and how you wove them into it. I love the crisp vowels in ‘compromise turned cryptid’, which brought an image into my mind of Big Foot or Nessie trying to mediate dark and bright in order to ‘birth a twilight’. I also love ‘wisp of wonder’ and ‘sideways gleam of something’. My favourite of all is “That is your wish and mine kissing reality’.

    1. Your favorite bit is my favorite bit. So thank you so much!

  9. Beautiful writing Magaly, beautiful. Hope is a wonderful thing.
    Anna :o]

  10. This is neat, Magaly. I liked your compiled list that friends have given. Having "democracy" in our country seems to be threatened badly, and the election itself which could come to a cure is being threatened. Venezuela and some of the African countries have lost theirs. (My opinion, perhaps I should not have expressed it here. If so not, then please accept my apology and please delete my comment.)

    1. Your opinion is welcomed, Jim. I agree, the moment a US president starts to spread false information about our electoral process, the whole system is threatened. Hopefully, the upcoming administration and other levelheaded people will be able to undo the damage that individual has caused.

  11. Yes there is hope. Things are going to get better...

  12. I feel it too. Finally a bit of bright light in the dark, bitter tunnel we've been walking through. Love this piece!

    1. Now, let's feed the bright until everyone can see...

  13. Stunning piece of writing, Magaly. The haibun form worked well here. Just turn the wattage up on that tiny light.


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