not-quite Journaling, 75
the ways that made me
makes me more
10/20/2024: My Piano Man and I are back at New York Comic Con after five long years. The first two years of absence happened because of surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation… The next three years, I missed it because I got ill (eye infection, Crohn’s and neuropathy flare-ups) the day before the convention. This year, I nearly missed it again because of a new breast cancer scare. At the moment, we’re mostly sure that there is no cancer--more testing needed… In the meantime, I will enjoy loving and living; I will reclaim what I can; I will delight in all the moments the universe gives me. Tomorrow will bring what it will, but today is mine.
10/24/2024: Every once in a while, we learn we’ve trusted someone who didn’t deserve it. Some might think of such discovery as a loss, but I see it as the best of wins. Getting rid of something rotten opens space for better things. Definitely a win.
– for
Poets and Storytellers United (Friday Writings #150: How high the moon?)