Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Taste of Real Magic

A witch knows
real magic isn’t conjured
out of hats: power lies
not in trickery but in work.

To feel magic,
stick your fingers in the dirt.
To craft magic,
plant a well-loved seed.
To see magic,
care for each sprout and watch it
grow into fruit—

the harvest of your work is always
a taste of real magic. 

the last tomato harvest of this season

- for Poets and Storytellers United (Writers’ Pantry #48: Words, Words, Words)


  1. Oh YES! Well said – and I love the photo too.

  2. Very true. And enjoy those last tomatoes!

  3. There is nothing quite like producing vegetable and fruit for ones own table is there? I have down sized now and live in a first floor apartment but the balcony has its share vegetables in containers as well as small shrubs to make me feel self satisfied!

    1. I hope you show us some of your viggies one of these days. I only have a balcony in the warm months and my living room in the cold months. Each harvest always feels like a small miracle.

  4. Ooow yummy! (words and tomatoes) XXX

  5. Natural magic is the best, Magaly, and true witches love to get their green fingers dirty!

  6. Yup!
    Happy Sunday Magaly


    much love...

  7. how true your words!
    ooh, those tomatoes!

  8. Delicious, MG. Nothing will grow here for a while, unless you count the snow accumulation as "growth".

    1. My plants are now in the living room, since the first frost will be here soon. There is a pepper and some tiny tomatoes still on the plants. After, there won't be any more fruit, but there will be fresh citrus leaves and lemongrass for tea--yum, yum!

  9. So true! I am a magician. Had a baby too!

    1. That's the most impressive human magic there is!

  10. Lovely poem. These lines...the harvest of your work is always
    a taste of real magic....a perfect ending.

  11. The bowl of tomatoes and the poem...just delightful (I think I'm suffering from a post-Thanksgiving vegetable deficit...). This year has been an interesting garden one--we lost the tomatillos too early but the peppers and dill and oregano are still going. I need to get back in the yard this week.

  12. It does seem magical when that tiny seed turns into a huge plant in the span of a few months! What a lovely last harvest of tomatoes.

    1. It's one of my favorite things to watch, nature birthing food.

  13. Your poem explains why gardening is one of the best exercises people can do. Wow, Walt Whitman comes to mind.

    1. Gardening is exercise we can taste, and the taste is delicious!

  14. There is a magic in the miracle of rebirth, for example, of land devastated by fire or flood. Given time, it restores itself....a miracle indeed.

  15. Love the photo, love the poem. Some of us witches can the maters for eating during the winter, until the summers ones come in.
    such a delight those maters in that bowl. A pleseare in picking them and knowing that more will be in your future!

  16. How wonderful! I have been called a 'good witch' on occasion however, a green thumb I do not have.

  17. I know my magic grows best in the places I bother to water. Oh sure, sometimes I luck out and find a bit of happenstance magic, and that's always fun. But the homegrown kind you know has a bit of your heart put into, that's always the best.

    1. Homegrown and worked for is extra powerful, indeed.

  18. ...and your magic, witchy lady, looks really, really juicy and delicious!

    1. And guess what? There are still a few left! I feel very lucky. 😁

  19. Very true! Love these words! Hope you enjoyed your tomatoes! Big Hugs!


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