Saturday, July 2, 2022

Let the Summer Rain Be Cleansing Tears

not-quite Journaling, 37

6/21/2022: I hope the Summer Solstice (or Winter, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) finds you well. I’ve been battling a nasty headache and fatigue, but knowing that the world keeps turning (no matter what) makes things less excruciating.


6/22/2022: Wasps aren’t the most beloved of creatures, but I like them. I live pretty high up, and although the occasional bee visits my balcony, wasps do the bulk of the pollination (not just pollination, but also the kind of predation that keeps pests under control). Every year, I provide nesting, in order to attract a queen. This year, she ignored my offered and chose to build her home on the neck of an angel.


her world grows smaller,
her body becomes just meat
when choice is removed

6/24/2022: “The U.S. Supreme Court officially reversed Roe v. Wade on Friday, declaring that the constitutional right to abortion upheld for nearly a half century, no longer exists.” ~ NPR

That was the first thing I read this morning, and the words broke my heart. I don’t understand how we continue to move backwards. I’ve seen people (especially some women) celebrating this atrocity, and I don’t understand them either. Don’t they get it? After they enslave the uterus, the brain and heart aren’t all that far behind. And if you think this sounds a bit too melodramatic, then you haven’t been paying attention. 


the summer
rain be cleansing
tears, before the rainbows

6/27/2022: There is something peaceful about a garden after a summer rain. Everything looks fresh, lush, soothing… and I’m grateful for that. Because on these days of turmoil and “justice” done wrong, a bit (all right, a lot) of soothing is exactly what the spirit needs (even if for just a moment).


- the day after the Summer Solstice, I found out that I had COVID. My symptoms (fever, chills, vomiting…) were horrible for about 36 hours, then things got better. A few days ago, my Piano Man became positive. His symptoms are very mild. Most of my symptoms are gone, but I’m still tired and my sense of taste remains… not quite right.

- Roe v. Wade image borrowed from Los Angeles Times.

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #33: Daring to Dream.


  1. I like the parts of the sum here, the flowers and wasps mixed with the news that hits in the gut and heart I hope you’re feeling better

    1. Thank you. I'm much better. Still feeling fatigued, but not nearly as much as before.

  2. Not anonymous just a clutx on my phone.

  3. Oh no! So sorry to hear about the covid. I hope you bounce back from your symptoms, along with the Piano Man. Your balcony container garden looks so lush and green! I'm sure it must bring you great joy.

    1. My Piano Man bounced back like a champ. Me not so much, but we weren't expecting different. My flesh and bones will just take a bit longer. We shall continue to enjoy the garden until then.

  4. I like these little 'diary' entries. They give a glimpse of the mood of the day.
    The photo of the sunset is gorgeous. And I hope you, and your Piano Man, are feeling better.

  5. Here's to sunsets, gardens and pollinators, and to a quick and easy recovery for both of you!

  6. Your little snippets (micro poems & prose) capture the mix of challenges and joys that is our daily lives, nowadays. I'm still in disbelief about reversed Roe v. Wade. And the lingering pandemic is just so tiring, I'm so sorry you had to battle COVID, when you're supposed to be enjoying summer.

    Wishing you good healthy always, Maga. Take care, girl! <3

    1. This is the first time that I've consistently kept any kind of journal. I'm enjoying it. And I think that it will be nice to go back in a few years, and see how things used to be.

    2. And yes, the whole Roe v. Wade being overturned has created a terrible mess. Sigh.

  7. A beautiful first image.
    So sorry you have Covid, hope you both feel better soon.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  8. I love how you've brokered a peace with the wasps, respecting their needs so they respect yours. I find wasps to be far more sensible than some supreme court justices these day. I hope you get better from Covid soon and that it stays mild or non-existent in anyone in your family who was exposed.

    1. "I find wasps to be far more sensible than some supreme court justices these day." Bwahahaha! That made my day and will probably make my week, too.

  9. I share your hope that somehow our tears will cleanse and change the world.

  10. Interesting post. From wasps to women having rights taken away, to covid. In all of it I hear your positive voice and your frustration. I agree how can women agree to this? Also, it's just not about abortion, it's taking one right after another away. Exactly what they are doing. I am sorry you and the piano man got covid. I hope you are better now. Hugs to you.

    1. You've touched the scariest bit about this whole thing. The fact that this overturning creates precedence. What will they take away next?

  11. Very bad luck you both getting Covid....Hope you recover soon. Your garden is will bring you peace and delight in these terrible times you are having over there

  12. Remember Mrs. Jim got the COVID on the ship, on a 16-day cruise she got it the 5th day. I got it in four more days from her, we both had to Quarantine at a Holiday Inn Express, an old one, I had to ask for two chairs so we could sit. That was in Portsmouth, 17 miles from Southampton where we disembarked, still as long way from London from where we were supposed to leave.
    I liked your bee photos; the Yellow Jacket is my favorite.
    Get recovered quickly. I am thinking like us, that you have had your shots and boosters so it shouldn't be too bad.
    But, ... Mrs. Jim still has memory problems and is sleepy a lot, and she had to go to therapy for breathing (she has late onset asthma).
    I have phlegm still, about a quarter a cup a day. It was a whole cup when we got home a week and a day late. And I can't smell or taste hardly anything, chocolates I can taste.
    p.s. I might try fighting with google some more, I am locked out of a lot of blogger blogs, yours included. Some like yours I can use anonymous. Not all allow that, I don't, on their blogs.

    1. We are both doing better. And you're right, the vaccine and the boosters made things less dire. My Piano Man is doing great. But I'm still very exhausted, sleepy, and dry coughing every now and again. We are hoping this isn't permanent.

  13. Wishing you a quick and full recovery...take care, Magaly.

  14. Magaly's journaling ... no matter the topics (ugh on the Covid) inspire, educate, delight .... I suspected you had Covid when I read the 'headache/fatigue' entry. Be well .....

    1. The symptoms went over head. Since some of the COVID symptoms are very similar to the Crohn's symptoms, I thought it was just the latter. Now, I suspect that the COVID brought the Crohn's flare up. I am better now, but still a tad drained.

  15. A rain splotted flower would brighten any day. May you and your family continue to recover

    1. I agree. Rain is cleansing. Thank you for the healing wishes, Joel.

  16. I love your spooky wasp nest in the angel neck! Horror movie vibes, haha! I actually have never been stung by a wasp but I have been stung by at least 3 bees! So much for wasps being more aggressive, at least where I live!

    I love the words "let the summer rain be cleansing tears", very evocative!

    1. Horror movie vibes are very cool, hehehe! I was stung by bees and wasps, when I was younger--wasps stings are a lot more painful. But I'm sure I disturbed them, by accident. Since then, I've never come across a wasp or bee that attacks without provocation.

      So glad you like those lines.

  17. Are you better yet, Magaly? Hoping for that.

    1. Yes! It took me a while, but I'm doing better. Still drained and sleepy, but I'm moving towards better. Thanks for asking, my sweetest.

  18. The first capture is stunning! With all the tears that have fallen throughout the world, one would hope we are fully cleansed. Wishing you and yours perfect health as the days progress.

  19. How are you doing, Magaly? I hope you are getting ALL well now,
    you've spent enough time. I think though, with your ailments
    you have placed in the more susceptible along with us older ones.
    Thanks for peeking in on me.

    1. You are so right, Jim. I tend to get funny looks from older people (who don't know me), when I'm sitting next to them on waiting rooms. I always make jokes about my body being at least 30 years older than I am.

  20. Oops, I'm supposed to say,


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