Thursday, June 16, 2022

Rebel Against Hypocrisy

Some time ago, a person who lives in my building complained to building management about the beach umbrellas I keep to protect my plants when the temperature gets too hot. The complaint went nowhere. But the person kept jabbering about how the umbrellas were dangerous, saying that they could be knocked down by the wind and hit someone below (mind you, my umbrella stands are tied down to the rails). The person also suggested that my umbrellas make the building look ugly. A few weeks after the complaint was made, the person asked me for a cutting from my passion flower plant. I said no. Last week, I shared some of my tomato, sunflower, and black-eyed Susan seeds with a few of my neighbors. The complainer heard about it, and asked me if they could have some. I said no.

Be genuine
(in life and ink),
rebel against hypocrisy.

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #31: Genuine Ink.


  1. That complainer has some nerve. "Bold as brass" as the old saying goes.

  2. She gets a prize for hypocrisy; you get one for authenticity and another for restraint. (I’d have been tempted to say a lot more than simply no.)

    1. Some people don't deserve more than a word.

    2. Also, I only restraint myself because I know how much it annoys them, lol!

  3. Yup, this is me signing up for the anti-hypocrisy rebellion.

  4. Does the complainer know you know she made the complaint?

  5. I love umbrellas the way I love couches. They are so inviting.

  6. I hope everyone's flowers and plants grow big enough that they can be admired from the street below, and that the awful woman gets to see how majestic they all are and how empty her space is.

  7. I, on the other hand, rebel against almost everything...which frequently gets me in trouble.

  8. 🤣🤣😂😂

    Nice one. Complainers and grumblers lose out

    Have a good weekend


  9. Wow what nerve and shame on the complainer. I hope everyone of the plants grow crazy big. You are my hero.

  10. Well that nasty loony neighbour is fortunate she is not living next to an Aussie otherwise she would want to move out(no guns involved either:) Rosemary and I are coming over

  11. Unbelievable. That's the reason I don't people as much as I used to.

  12. Your piece reminds me of this English proverb, "Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge." Kudos to you for rebelling against hypocrisy!

  13. Perhaps you should have offered to share an umbrella! 😁

  14. I like the prologue as much as I do the poem. Your erasure poem seems fitting to your erasure of her request. Sometimes it feels really good to say no.

    1. Yes, ma'am. I think that few things give us as much power as the ability and willingness to say no without explanation.

  15. Oh goodness, some folks !!!

    All the best Jan

  16. Wow, she has a nerve! Probably doesn't even connect why she can't have a cutting!

    1. Who knows. Some people are thick (or act it) because it's convenient.


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