Thursday, June 9, 2022


not-quite Journaling, 36

 On the landscape

of my heart,
I grow words—

poems and tales
that turn blues and brights
into hope blooms.


“When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.”
~ Minnie Aumonier ~


5/24/2022: My wee garden is no longer empty. Everything is sooo soothingly green. Some things are blooming (tomato, daisy, strawberry…), other things are fruiting (tomato, strawberry… *and the blue jays have noticed*). My treacherous digestive system, on the other hand, continues to be a mess. But things are very slowly getting better. I am tired, my throat is slightly raw, and I have not been able to eat my slice of birthday cake for this year. Still… my wee garden is no longer empty, and that makes the bad less so. Also, I’ll probably have my cake in the next week or three (and yes, I’m going to eat it too). 

6/6/2022: On my way to see the doctor, after my latest cycle of Crohn’s crappiness. I’m feeling great, and I hope today’s tests reflect that. I’m ready for a break that lasts more than a week--it would be nice to be able to go on a hike (or 3) in this lovely weather.


thorns and blooms,
to make the world think
of balance

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #30: Beloved Books.


  1. Thank you for enabling us all to enjoy your garden too!

    1. Thank you for adding to my own joy, my beloved Rosemary.

  2. Thank you for nurturing those hope blooms and then sharing them with us... !

    1. Thank you for appreciating it and adding your energy to the whole.

  3. You are lucky to have such nice weather. It's freezing here.Your garden looks beautiful.I like your photo and the words that grow on the landscape of your heart as well

    1. It's summer now, and we are sizzling at the moment. But the gardening is enjoying the heat--me, too, from inside the house.

  4. What a gorgeous parasol! I hope you continue to feel great!

  5. A beautiful menu of thoughts and images here. I like thinking about thorns and blooms as a metaphor for life. I'm working on my birthday cake too, a few bites a day because of digestive/health issues. I wonder what else will be taken away?

    1. Let's not let what might be taken away keep us from enjoying what we still have. Let's be happy we can still eat tiny bits of cake, even if not when we want to (or as much as we want to).

    2. P.S. I've yet to have my birthday cake, but I'm still looking forward to the day I can.

  6. 'thorns and blooms' my favourite haiku of yours today


  7. Beautiful heart and lovely garden. More Love and Happiness to you

  8. Oh, your "thorns and blooms" haiku... so full of wisdom

  9. I am so sorry you struggle with your body. You are such an inspiration and a beautiful lady.

    1. Right back at you, my friend. Your posts always make me smile, and help me find new reasons to keep pushing.

  10. The strawberry the jays got looks like the plant from Little Shop of Horrors. Love the parasol and the way the shadow makes you look like you are wearing a lacy headband. I hope you get to eat your cake really soon.

    1. I, too, think the strawberry looks like Audrey II! And what a good eye you have. I, too, thought the shadow looked like a lacy mirage. Thank you for the cake wishes--I'm still waiting for my stomach to give me the go ahead. 🤞🏽

  11. I'm glad you have your garden to lift your spirits, even if you have to share it with pushy birds. I hope you got some birthday cake eventually.

    1. The birds have gotten better. Okay, they still do a bit of diffing every now and again, but I've been sprinkling everything with dried and powdered rosemary and lavender, so they are leaving the fruits alone. I'm joining my cake hopes to yours!

  12. Your garden is always a delight to look at. Keep blooming hope, beauty and all things good. I wish you a wonderful and restful break, Maga. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you so much, Khaya! Your wishes fill me with hope.

  13. Thorns and blooms. Dangerous beauty. I wish I could grow things like you.

  14. Hope you’re feeling great today, too. I’m with you about gardens. :-)

    1. I'm feeling much better right now, thank you.

  15. I hope you may get to enjoy some cake soon, but in the meantime continue to take care.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. Thanks for sharing your garden with us. I hope you can enjoy your cake soon, and that you continue to improve.

    1. Thank you so much. I'm joining my hopes to yours.

  17. You are a warrior! Hope you feel better soon! Love the parasol and the strawberries!


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