Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Pink Knight

In my home, October is New York Comic Con. It’s knee-high boots and pumpkin chili. It’s stories of loved ones no longer living. It’s skulls, cosplay, and wonder. October is black.
I wasn’t thinking those exact words, as my Piano Man and I strolled around the Javits Center, but I was feeling them deeply. Then, a hint of pink caught my eye.
“Look, babe!” I said, picking a pink figurine out of a display, and holding it right next to my delighted grin. “It’s Batman, the breast cancer fairy.”

“That makes it sound like Batman brings breast cancer to people, and…” my Piano Man began to say, but seemed to change his mind halfway. “Well, I guess the tooth fairy takes teeth and leaves money. Maybe Batman takes tumors and leaves—”

“Life and laughter and bad-ass fairy dust?” I asked, gently shaking Batman above my head, making sure all the fighting dust landed on my chemo-thinned hair.

Then my Piano Man and I kissed, before adding The Pink Knight to our October.

In my home, October is New York Comic Con. It’s knee-high boots and pumpkin chili. It’s stories of loved ones no longer living. It’s skulls, cosplay, and wonder. October is black and pink and fierce.

Batman, the Breast Cancer Fairy
  bits from Instagram


  1. How amazing is this fierce pink fairy!

    1. I've been telling him. And he says nothing. Just stares at me, darkly pink...

  2. I smiled at the idea of Batman as the breast cancer fairy, taking tumours and leaving some bad-ass fairy dust! Enjoy October in your knee-high boots, Magaly, chilling with Piano Man, skulls, pumpkins and the Pink Knight!

  3. It is good to find our own personal super heroes - may she always bring you luck

  4. How important it is to fight back in every possible way and your Batman gives you the chance to smile just when need to.

  5. Shake that Fairy Dust, Sister!!! Great writing, this!

  6. Everybody needs a bad-ass fairy of some sort, don't you think? :)

  7. The Not-So-Dark Knight is a worthy ally in the fight for laughter all year round. May that bad-ass fairy dust sprinkle freely!

  8. Love it. A pink ass Batman to strew bad ass fairy dust all about you. How wonderful. My Pugsley who was my guardian angel during my ordeal is long dust, but he sits in his container next to the computer screen where he loved to sit and poke at the screen while I typed. We all need these bad ass fairies.

    1. I completely understand finding strength in the ashes of those who cheered us up in life. Lived dust, ashes...

  9. October is black! Love that line. One can read it many a times, and find new meaning. And then the wonderful surprise at the end, “October is black, pink and fierce.” And I add, October is powerful, feminine and delicious like bubble-gum-kissed breath. Beautiful write!

    1. October is so many things. I love your addition!

  10. How wonderful to have that pink fairy sprinkling dust on you. I love the lines with which you opened and closed this piece.

  11. I love that pink fairy... taking cancer and leaving lust(?)... what a great start of a month

  12. Go, Batman! So much for one month to hold.

  13. October is most definitely black!!❤️🖤 I love the undeniable passion and spirit in your words. Yum!!

  14. Amen. This weaves real and surreal, grief and love all together where all of it belongs. Happy black October!

  15. I love that October is black...and a breast-cancer-fighting-pink-fairy of a Batman!

  16. We were in NYC one year for the Greenwich Village Halloween parade. No gasoline engine driven floats, it was wonderful. I liked your friend, the Piano Man. I wasn't familiar with these folk until Billy Joel - Piano Man came along. I liked him too.
    Thank you for the prompt, it was a fun write. Last time I missed an important part, "Prose required". Got wiped.

  17. bad ass fairy dust :) Love this spunky, October poem!

  18. I adore this pink fairy, and of course you as well Magaly. Big love to you.

  19. I love Batman's fierce expression! He wears a pink tutu with aplomb! ♥

  20. The baddest dark knight of all... in pink! Love it! He'd certainly be kicking up a lot of dust! I love how this begins, "October is black" and ends "October is black and pink and fierce" because that is exactly what Octobers are better and better!

  21. How strangely the world gives color labels..October can be pink black but also orange rusty yellow and brown. Striking write up

  22. That is one fierce Batman pink. I hope he has magical powers!

  23. Oh my heart. Oh my heart. You have a way of doing that to me, even in the midst of a fun place.

  24. Love!! Kick ass Batman!! Big Hugs!

  25. October is black... and pink... and may Batman in his glorious tutu leave his fighting dust all over you lol!


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