Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Delighting in the Gift of Vintageness

Old souls learn to ride the ups and downs of life’s storms, the stagnant die young.
photo by Daria Rudyk - on Unsplash

for Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #4: New Tricks, where Rommy asks us to consider the phrase “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, and express any thoughts we might have on it in either poetry or prose form.)


  1. So much truth in these words. Proud to be an old soul.

  2. Brief and to the point well taken!!

  3. Interesting write✏

    Happy you dropped by to read mine Magaly


  4. It is sad to think that once playing meant going outside and having a good time with friends or the neighbors dog. Now it is but staring a phone not knowing whether its raining or the sun is shining.

  5. A fun little ditty, Magaly. Well, I sure did not die young. I tell folk I am ready to die if need be, I've done all I need to do and most of all I like and want to do. But until then I'll do some more.

  6. No one has time for dying ... o.o

  7. They ride those ups and downs like world class surfers. If you listen closely you can hear them telling you to jump right in because the water's fine.

  8. Lovely American sentence – and you've arrived at a new truth, made all the more pointed in that final phrase.

  9. Goodness there is a whole book in that one sentence.

  10. Thank you for this reminder. That must be why my grandfather lived into his 90's.

  11. How absolutely true. And now that I'm old and still riding the ups and downs, still learning life, still reaching, I am grateful I did not become stagnant. Think what I would have missed. The good, the bad, but mostly simply the knowledge I have gained.

    1. I, too, am glad that we've moved enough, done enough... to understand that we must continue to do more to live.


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