Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Reality Is Heart and Mind

My heart is a surreal lover
of eerie constellations, of promising soil,
of dancing birthed in ink.

My mind is a sun-bathed garden
full of mirror-loving monsters,
of darkness exposed, of darkness beloved.

Reality is the dark-bright we nurture.


- created for Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #57: Let Us Write (together)). Inspired by the photos shared above and the phrases, “Be an uncrushed flower”, “Burst into constellations of dance”, and “Love can be a monster, or not.”


  1. This is a thoughtful poem that needs reading over a couple of times to savour. Evocative and deep!

  2. Bravo. You courted the new normal reality splendidly. Thanks for dropping by to read


  3. Oh, what gorgeous language for these deep truths!

  4. I love this poem of the heart, Magaly, this flower heart looking for soil and a garden in which to take root and blossom. I especially love the juxtaposition of night skies and soil and a sunbathed garden – reality indeed.

  5. I can't imagine an image more apt than a sweet juicy slice from a mutilated fruitiverse, to describe your love of dance :D cws

  6. Truly amazing works of art!! Are they hanging where you can view them? I hope, if not they should be enlarged to bigger than life! As always, your poems loom larger than life.

    1. Not at the moment. But I like the idea of a couple of enlargements to delight in...

  7. For me it a wonderful poem, I like Monster Poems. A bit of sadness too, I teased my little sister and to this day she looks under her bed at bedtime, or thinks about doing that.
    I imagine your writer may think of doing that too.

  8. I love the clever line breaks and how when I re-read it I find more ways to adore this poem. And I really love the reminder that the things we care for and give our attention to will become our reality.

  9. I love this and I love the image of the flower in the orange slice! Big Hugs!

  10. The contrast is gorgeous - one without the other and we lose the pizazz!

    1. I completely agree. Also, I really enjoy saying the "pizazz" aloud... over and over, lol!

  11. "mirror-loving monsters" - great line!
    You are dipping a toe into the normal of the future.

    1. Thank you so much, Sara. I love how you put it.


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