Thursday, December 14, 2023

Of Modesty Being Knocked Senseless by Self-Love

She loves red and black
and impossible odds.

She delights in the dark moon,
in dirt, summer rain, winter
storms, in well spelled ink.

She reveres her brain,
the works of her tongue,
and is proud of every story
life has scarred on her skin.

When she looks in the mirror,
I look back and shout-whisper,
“You are glorious!”

photo by Dekler Ph, on Unsplash

Because humility is overrated: if you love you, tell you about it every chance you get.

 - for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #107: You Did It!


  1. proud of every story
    life has scarred on her skin ... oh yes! It took me hell of a while to get there though!

  2. Oh, how I love the joyousness of this. I thought as I read, 'I might know who this is,' then was delighted by the twist of the 'I' in the last verse. How perfect. Bravo!

  3. YOU are glorious. This is beautiful and who doesn't love black and red? Wishing you a marvelous day.

  4. I like "proud of every story life has scarred on her skin."

  5. She's got pretty legs
    And she knows it
    Her legs are pretty
    And she shows them

    Pretty pretty legs
    Tight in mesh hose
    Deserve a show
    And I love them

    1. That was me, Jim, Jimmiehov

  6. Great legs....I suppose if you don't compliment yourself there is a possibility that you will never receive any except of course from the cats who show great affection when they see you opening the cat food tins:)

  7. Rall wrote the above

  8. I freaking love this! Heck yeah, we should celebrate ourselves. The joy in this piece is infectious.

  9. Love your affirmation of everything female!!!!

  10. Es bueno tener la autoestima alta. Ello conjunto con un buen carácter da buenas personas de éxito.

  11. Agree wholeheartedly.
    Cheering for you & also for me :)
    Love own self first even if others are furious!
    Be your own favourite as you are glorious!

  12. Love those opening lines and yes, mesh stockings!! Lets celebrate ourselves. Cheers for Christmas and the New Year!!

  13. Meaningful lines. Loved it. Merry Christmas!

  14. Hey Sweet Lady, I'm stopping by to wish you the very Best Christmas.

  15. If we don't celebrate ourselves, who will? Wonderful!


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