Friday, September 13, 2019

Life Is Groovy Jazz and Wretched Lullabies

Everything (and everyone) sings and feels echoes of the music our tongues and hearts bleed into the world. I sing songs of pain and pleasure, tunes that crack bone, melodies that stitch ripped flesh and make a soul twist and dance and want…
to live.

My ink chants groovy jazz and wretched lullabies for me (and for anyone) who cares…
to listen.

Everything (and everyone) sings… Listen and feel.

 “Time to Fly”, by Magic Love Crow
(because the moon is full, and there is no better time
to unleash our song into the world)

for the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads (Just One Word: Groovy) and for Wild Friday at Poets United (where Sanaa invites us to find an incomplete poem and write a response that works like an ending for our choice: I chose “Everything Sings”, by Bill Cattey, a piece he started and the 1970s but didn’t go beyond the title)


  1. First, I am super impressed at how you found such a perfectly Magaly-esque title.

    Some truths make it hard to sleep, whether it's because we're sitting with the weight of them or because they make us feel too jazzed for anything more restful than a dance around the living room. Thank goodness for those who stay with us for both kinds of truths.

  2. The whole poem is a bundle of energy and absolutely inspiring. This is how to live to one's fill. Yeah...Sing on, we do care to listen....Love how you've taken this poem beyond its title 👍

  3. So much to love about the energy you have infused into the poem, Magaly!❤️ You took the words and made it your own, I love the idea of "melodies that stitch ripped flesh and make a soul twist and dance and want…
    to live."

    The world is a cruel and harsh bit of environment for people who take pleasure in spreading joy. Words are powerful, as they have the means to heal or destroy everything in its path.

    Your words not only heal, they make the soul dance with conviction that anything and everything we wish to achieve is possible! Thank you so much for writing to the prompt!❤️

  4. Certainly a great title, which pretty much demands to be fulfilled – and how perfectly you have done that. As Sumana says, the poem crackles with energy. It's very individual, very personal, and at the same time addresses the universal. Bravo!

  5. "Tunes that crack the bone" good! I love "Everything (and everyone) sings." That we do! And you do so gloriously!

  6. No matter how cracked and broken they appear, one can listen and feel the deep love of life that comes from your words.

  7. Wonderful poem Magaly, love the phrase “my ink chants groovy jazz” — excellent! The image is striking...

  8. I love the title of this. Everything and everyone sings...yes we do, especially those free birds and trees.

  9. This message is full of hope and perfect laughter. Groovy!

  10. songs we hear songs we sing - the vibes we release are a chorus whether we know it or not.

    Melodies that stitch ripped flesh.... so many songs ARE healing.

  11. I DO care to listen! And that is my favourite by Magic Love Crow. I love the power and passion, the carnality and forward motion here. So life! I hope there is a day in the future somewhere when we will sing together.

  12. There is none better than you Magaly to sing this song. The poem reminds me so much of my youth when we brushed aside that title and took on life as real members of the world. Well I was a bit of a jazz fanatic in those days and the world was then our oyster.

  13. Love how the speaker's ink chants LIVE words to listen. This is a beautiful piece; hopeful and magical as it unleashes the power within. What a lovely response to Sanaa's prompt!

  14. The bearer of bad news indeed, Magaly. And the writer/singer doesn't give up. A regular prophet of doom and gloom, and all " ... sings and feels echoes of the music our tongues and hearts bleed into the world..."

  15. I love the release music can bring! I love how you wove the pain throughout to remind us to dance with our soul's emotions!
    Well Done!

    1. Anything is possible, when we remember to dance...

  16. Groovy jazz and wretched lullabies... perfect. Exactly right for you and everyone to nurture by. Wrapped around and lifting up like a prayer

  17. I so love the contrasts here... and how you express it into music, the most fundamental rhythm of all. Not all is groovy but there is always that luscious part you may cling to.

  18. Yes. I think I'll prefer the jazz to the lullaby, but have to have both in my life nevertheless. Listening to yours and loving it.

  19. Your words always speak so much!! Thank you for including my art in your powerful post! Love you! Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you, my dear Stacy, for sharing your colors with us!

  20. Delicious words & soaring artwork by Magic Love Crow... be it pumped up jazz, frenetic rap... or slow swaying dance with the people you love... always listening to yours Ms Wicked xxx


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