Friday, December 13, 2019

My Ink and Your Feels

We dance in a garden of ink and feels, plant words out of dreams our wants make real. Your patience puts a gentle hand on the small of my back. My eyes are fixed on your mouth (sipping, sipping, sipping… all the truths your tongue spills)

and our hearts are naked, exposed to all

who dare to look (and see)

my ink and your feels spelling

poems and stories grown out of our flesh and bone (for all souls).

photo borrowed from House of Hawthornes

 for the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads (13 Poetic Bits of Kerry: this piece includes the line “our hearts are naked”, from Kerry’s poem Atlantis Found). I shall also link this piece to Poets United (Pantry of Poetry and Prose #8)


  1. This poem speaks to me on so many levels. It makes me very happy to see how my few words blend into your own so seamlessly. Thank you, for your thoughtful prompt, Magaly. It means the world to me.

  2. Planting words out of dreams our wants make real, is the magic to manifestation and fruition. Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog post and congratulations on your sobriety as well.

    1. I never cared much for alcohol. So, I probably shouldn't brag much (since it wasn't hard to give up), but I wish I could do the same with sugar. I probably could, but... I sooo don't want to.

  3. This poem is so alive and kicking with fire and hope!❤️ I can taste the courage in "Our hearts are naked, exposed to all who dare to look (and see)," and love the image of patience. Your words have touched me to the core. Thank you so much for the glorious prompt!❤️

  4. You are poetry. Your poetry is you. Every juicy, firey, delicious, powerful word.

  5. Yes, your poetry is daring, dashing and delectable as usual and I always get the feeling when reading it I am eating a sweet and juicy piece of fruit...which it is!

  6. I love your way of turning reality magic!

  7. A beautiful and expressive manifestation. I like this garden of ink and feels, it's really a feast for all senses.

  8. Love the way your words dance to your tune. How amazingly you make your poems and story grow. Gorgeous and brilliant.

    1. Thank you so much, Sumana. I can say the same about your words. And I do.

  9. Poetry truly is the language which drinks from infinite ponds and mouths and tells the rest of us how to get there. Great write Magaly, drink on.

    1. Thank you so much, Brendan. I love the way you put it.

  10. Oh the flow of this is so delicious. The words sound and feel like a caress. It's wonderful to have a love that strong and mutually sustaining.

    1. Writing is very good at returning our affections, methinks. ;-)

  11. Sigh. So lovely. Words and feels - what poetry is all about.

    1. True. I've always been convinced that our words are exactly what we put into them.

  12. "dreams our wants make real" YES! and the words here entwine so well with flesh and blood that it all manifests. I feel it. Bravo!

  13. This leaves me swooning. Tenderness - that's what comes to my mind.

  14. I like that poetry and stories come from flesh and bone... a birthing!

    1. Thank you. "...a birthing!" indeed. I like that.

  15. It’s amazing what the ink and feels create, Magaly! All those poetry children born of patience, sipping and tongue-spilled truth – and Kerry’s wonderful line. I love the dancing metaphor, with patience putting a gentle hand on the small of your back.

  16. I love how you use Kerry's words - it reads so effortlessly

  17. Beautifully romantic
    Happy Sunday

    much love...

  18. Amazing what kinds of poetry can happen when ink meets feels!

  19. Yes, yes, and those parentheticals, delicious.

  20. Happy you dropped by my blog today Magaly. 'Jack Spaniard' is not a bird. Its an angry type of wasp, no one want to have around. In T&T in local palance we also call them 'Jep'


    1. Ha! I knew you were speaking of wasps, Gillena. It just happens that I don't kill them. I relocate them, if they become a problem for anyone else (they usually don't bother me much). But I am weird like that.

  21. Wonderfully fresh and original write Magaly, which I found altogether very uplifting.. Thanks and Regards Scott

    1. Uplifting is good. So glad you found it to be so, Scott.

  22. I can't seem to find my words this morning, but I am so moved by how beautiful this is. Especially that first stanza and "sipping all the truths your tongue spills" and "exposed to all who dare to look (and see)". Those who dare seem in short supply. I wrap my virtual arms around them wherever they are and know that you are among them.

    1. Those virtual arms you see welcoming your virtual arms--yes, those--those are mine.

  23. I do love the way you turn ink into magic... love should always be like this

  24. I love that you can plant words, watch them grow out of your bones and blood--there is something so hopeful in that for me

  25. Sigh, ink and feels...They bless and wound. Oh, the well you fill when you drop such diamonds of ink.

  26. Just as beautiful on a second read through (and I just love that photo - the old typewriter (which I want to buy one so badly - I have to buy a new desk for that) and that color of green always invigorates me.

    1. There is something about an antique typewriter that warms the heart and ink, isn't it?

  27. Your words, reinforced by the picture of the typewriter, reminds me of Hemingway's quote: "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." Thank you for sharing

  28. Gorgeous words! Gorgeous image! Big Hugs!


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