Sunday, February 9, 2020

Under Her Breast

So many hearts fell
for the silver in his tongue,
for a mouth that licked minds
before sinking teeth into flesh;

every heart
but the one under her breast.

She had tasted
the fakery that oozed
out of the shine in his eyes,
watched him sign contracts
with the blood of shackled sheep,
while sitting on the backs
of the choice-robbed
and the enthralled.

She had wondered
if any of them would ever see
the muck that stuck to his bones,
the worms that rotted the hollows
that should’ve housed a soul;

will they sense the incubus
under the wealth-made halo,
or has he sucked all the marrow
out of their future and wits? 


  1. Wow! Yes, many are too easily fooled. And to many seem to think wealth is a measure of trustworthiness, when it may be that it's the exact opposite.(Depends what people have done to become wealthy.) A very thought-provoking piece.

  2. May be she loved him truly and despite his short comings, her heart beat for him.

  3. Oh my, Magaly! The imagery in this poem is vivid and evocative, especially:
    ‘…a mouth that licked minds
    before sinking teeth into flesh’
    ‘the muck that stuck to his bones,
    the worms that rotted the hollows
    that should’ve housed a soul’.

  4. Sshhhh...Quiet, please; I'm listening to him speechify. Lie, lie, lie. Liar, lying. It's all he's capable of.

  5. There are some things I can forgive or at least understand. But people who build empires exploiting the misery and fear of others will never have a drop of my pity. Ever.

  6. Wow! He sounds like the (perfect) seducer. Since none is able to see the heart under his breast

    Wishing you a happy Sunday Magaly


  7. The huckster that enthralls everyone is a person of the lowest form but is especially insidious when i comes to the heart. The one person who sees through the facade is usually the one despised.
    This is a reminder of the voice in the wilderness may not be in vain (eventually.)

    1. Indeed. Instinct might be impulsive most of the time. But it can certainly help us survive.

  8. While others heart's are tempted by what they see and hear, her heart can see through to what 'lies' beneath. There is nothing tempting there at all.

    1. I agree. Not even one bit. The opposite, if I had to say.

  9. The questions in this make me want to know the answers; they tap the frustration of why the same surface, the same actions on the same screen, can read so impossibly opposite. And the horror of that is palpable.

  10. I do not know who you are referring to but I seem to cross paths every once in a while with this kind of people that leave people broken in their wake... and sometimes we make the worst of them to leaders.

  11. What a venomous swag-belly! (Sometimes only Shakespeare can offer the right adjective!).

  12. What a fantastic opening salvo to this impactful piece … which I took as a extended metaphor to duplicity: a trait that seems to be growing like a plague. It seems that so few are able to see it (and, in fact, are hypnotized by it) … but having seen it … it cannot be unseen. Awesome writing, Magaly.

  13. Your words are always so cutting Magaly. Curiously with this one my mind drifted over to American politics and found it fitted that theme quite well!

  14. sign contracts
    with the blood of shackled sheep - that is so vivid and perfectly written...

  15. You need to add a LOVE button. <3

  16. How easy it is to be deceived by silver-tongued liars!

  17. Oh. a double dealer. And so many have fallen for that silver tongue. Excellent write. I so enjoyed reading it, feeling it, embracing the truth of it.

  18. Oh, so much to sink one's teeth into here! Wonderfully written and thought-provoking. It is a wonderful thing to be awake and experienced enough to recognize the fakery in the shine. Sometimes a lonely power, yes, but protective and useful...and hopefull teachable.

    1. May the loneliness of this power become extinct.

  19. The heart and the gut always know. This is powerful and wonderfully spoken. This knocked me off my feet Magaly!!

  20. I truly hope they still have some wits left. 🖤🖤🖤


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