Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Be Like Hope

She was warned. 
Disappointment always comes
to all who believe
in her; Hope can’t be trusted. 

She was given an explanation.
Hope is just too small, not
likely to become more. Unlike
her brother, Misery, the Hope
child has no one but herself.

Nevertheless, she persisted.
“Yes,” Hope says, “I am
small and often alone. But
if you keep me
near an open heart, I spread,
spread, spread and grow


“Happy Baby Crow”, by Magic Love Crow
(because the wee crow’s expression always warms my heart)

regardless of how large Despair gets or how many souls Misery collects, a bit of Hope can always become more. Some might roll their eyes at these words or think me naΓ―ve for believing them. That’s their right. Just like it’s my right (and yours, if you want) to find solace and strength in the fact that Hope only dies when we stop hoping—and some of us will never stop.

for Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #12: Nevertheless, She Persisted, where I invite everyone to write new poetry or prose which includes the words, “She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.” Use the sentences at the beginning, or in the middle, or at the end of your entry. Use them consecutively or in separate paragraphs or stanzas. All forms and genres are welcomed. If you choose prose, let your story or article… be 369 words or fewer.
Also linking to Sanaa’s Writers’ Pantry #13: April, here we come!

inspired by the e-book below,  which you can download for free HERE


  1. You have my heart with this poem, Magaly dearest!😍😍 Indeed, hope no matter its amount continues to grow and spread if we let it enter into our souls πŸ’

  2. I love the way this piece unfolds, a little like watching a bud burst into full bloom on a time-lapse photography. I am so grateful for little bubbles of joy like this piece.

  3. "if you keep me near an open heart" -- what a lovely phrase and image!

  4. After pondering your Hope, i next thought of the parable of The Mustard Seed. Nice write
    Have a blessed Wednesday Magaly


  5. Like you, Magaly, I persist in believing there will be a better tomorrow. Faith is a mighty force to overcome misery and despair.

    1. If we stop believing that it can happen, then it might never be. So, we shall keep on keeping on!

  6. Love the last verse in particular. (And the cute baby crow.)

  7. The image you paint of hope growing in hearts is so warm and comforting, Magaly – and I love the happy baby crow – corvid as opposed to covid! Even a glimmer of hope can get us to the other side of the Corona mountain.

    1. "corvid as opposed to covid!: I love that, Kim.

  8. Worthy of multiple reads this morning, Magaly. Dickens comes to my mind, the two children behind the Ghost of the Present's robe. Ignorance and Want. Your "Hope" is much more comforting. Stay well.

  9. Hope a beautiful thing..I write dark poems, snarky poems at times, but I never close the door on hope. Love this poem!!

    1. Darkness is only hopeless if we make it. I, too, love writing the dark--as you already know.

  10. It sounds simple but really a very sad situation, "Hope only dies when we stop hoping." I hear quite often, "I gave hope on..."

  11. <3

    I was more like, "Hope is like a prostitute - cheap and contagious." ^^

  12. Hope is necessary for life to go forward. It skips along hand-in-hand with believe! Such a good reminder/message Magaly.

    1. Hope and belief are certainly kissing cousins!

  13. Indeed hope is what that keeps us moving.

  14. Wow! I skipped this prompt because I didn't know what to do with it, but obviously you did--in a masterful way. Well done! (And I think I'll hold on to Hope, thank you.)

  15. Yes, hope is so important. As with love, it should never be abandoned.

  16. Nice. I like the set up. I think I hold hope and disturbed disappointment at the same time I believe the good eventually prevails over lies and manipulation because lies are built on a house of cards and hope and truth on a lasting foundation.

    1. I think this is a realistic attitude. Just because we hope, it doesn't mean that the world's nastiness is going to go poof.

  17. I absolutely love this Hope is small and can grow and it has courage and is persistent

  18. This wriggled right into my heart and found a warm spot.

  19. yes, hope only dies when we stop hoping.
    i believe in hope, despite what i usually write about are dark.

  20. Hope can't be trusted - that's my mantra :)

  21. May hope grow like a virus throughout the world and may those who can help us, do so.

  22. Sometimes hope is all one has. Here you give us the reasons to keep hoping still. Thank you, Magaly

  23. Beautiful words, from a beautiful soul! I feel like this a rebirth of this earth. A rebirth for all of us. Hope is like love! Keep them both near your heart! I love you my friend! Please keep safe and healthy! Big Hugs!

    1. And if we keep them close, they'll keep us...


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