Saturday, March 14, 2020

We Are All Equal, Really

“In this, we are all equal,” you say, believing—no, not just believing, but truly knowing—it is true. “If you’re ready for it, the monster can’t burn you from the inside out, the monster can’t squeeze you until breathing is just a dream. Really, preparing isn’t even that hard,” you say. “Just make sure you have enough food for thirty days, take your children out of school—remember a fun board game or two! My partner and I paid a small fortune for Armageddon Fun. Irony is just so cathartic,” you say. “You can’t scrooge this one out. Buy all you think you might need, even if its costly. You won’t regret this overspending. Safety is a luxury; we all know this.”

can be dumb and blind,

I suspect

for Poets and Storytellers United: (Writers’ Pantry #11: Words Can Be Rather Nutritious)


  1. I think if it extends here into community transmission, the odds automatically get skewed against the poor... it's a mercy it's still controlled. And I sure hope it stays that way. Or disappears altogether.

    1. The poor always seem to get the most suffering. It sucks.

  2. Love your plan... we are sorting ours, board games essential, I am looking like bride of Frankenstein atm so feel perfectly fit into the 'stay indoors, don't be seen in public' feel that is being generated in media... interesting Quasimodo would be safe in times like this ;) Take care Wicked one xox

  3. Hard to strike the right balance once the panic button has been jabbed.

  4. I love 'scrooge' as a verb. But 'Safety is a luxury' – ooh, that's nasty in all sorts of ways. This succinct piece of satire packs a huge wallop.

    1. Nasty and true, which makes it even nastier.

  5. When a world disaster such a Coronavirus takes place it is interestig to see the varied response from different nations in the world. I am hoping Australia's government has got their actions properly sorted out. We have got a few months of difficulty ahead and no foreigners are welcome. Good luck!

  6. I love how you put these thoughts in words. This was fun to read.

  7. With privilege comes responsibility, we can't afford to be flippant with words. What we need right now are compassionate words, and an acknowledgement that we are not all equal. Stay safe, Maga!

  8. It's true what you say. Alternatively, cash is not - has never been - an effective vaccine.

    stay well.

    1. And it will probably never be, regardless of how many of us wishes to join to Federation of Planets economy.

  9. Mostly, privilege is blind. (That's my perspective, anyway.) I love this quirky little end-times tale. Unfortunately, it's now. Ugh.

    1. Sadly, you're correct. For most people, seeing what doesn't affect them directly is nearly impossible. Thank goodness for those who still try.

  10. We truly require all the positivity we can get!💝 Especially love; "remember a fun board game or two!" Yes, please.

  11. Yup--those who can afford to buy--meanwhile, we all have to find way to hunker down

  12. I look at the world and sometimes would rather be "self-quarantined" all the time, not just during a health event. Be of good cheer!

  13. mother called me this morning to celebrate finding toilet paper; she's hosting a few extra people through the unexpected and they hadn't "stocked up" earlier. This just sliced that anger right back open.

    1. It would be comical, if it wasn't so horrifying, that we live in a time when we celebrate being able to buy toilet paper.

  14. Mercy and hope, Hope and mercy.
    Happy Sunday Magaly


    1. Hope, acknowledgement, and responsibility indeed...

  15. Thoughtful and evocative haibun. Timely and wise. Add jigsaw puzzle to your list!!

  16. I know how insanely privileged I am in this crisis. My employer has years of experience dealing with remote employees, me included. My children are both home and since they are older don't need a lot of micromanaging. I have a home. I enjoy good health. I typically have a decent supply of cleaning agents and have enough purel to get me through several supermarket trips.

    And I am %$@#(* sick of jerks who downplay the effect this is having on people. I have dear friends with severe medical issues. I have a friend who's only source of income is now gone for at least two weeks (likely more). I know there are kids out there who have no damn place to go or food to eat with the schools closed.

    I think the next clueless wonder who downplays this "because they'll be just fine" is going to get a big earful from me.

    1. An earful, a kick in the teeth... choices, choices, choices.

  17. A wonderful haibun. The haiku dovetails beautifully - adding to and enhancing the reflections in the prose.

  18. great haibun, and a punchy satire to match.
    "privilege can be dumb and blind", i think it is true too.

  19. Nice preparations you go there. I'm turning to books I bought and never read over the years, and watching air crafts descending and ascending getting less and less by my 12th floor porch.

  20. Panic...I feel we are all suffering from it, but yet we will find bright spots in pandemonium.

  21. Good words, Magaly. But no not equal, I'm not sure how healthy again you are. We, Mrs. and I are high risk, me the higher. Because of age and medical defects.
    I tell people I've lived a nice life, done the things I need to do, and a lot of the things I'd like to do. Still we are careful and would like to be around a bit more. "Only 2%" fall of the face of earth but thos under 60 are averaged in. I'm about 18% if I get the flu.
    Oh yes, thank you for hosting.

  22. ... yes, money is not a vaccine but it does buffer one. I just hope people reach out, share, help and not hoard! Invention of new ways will happen, food will be in supply - grocery stores will figure out ways of managing if it gets bad - and I think some areas will be struck hard. We will learn lessons, I'm afraid. Learn who is truly "Christian", who are good, those who aren't. I look at Italy and I am speechless - it seems surreal - And they say we may just be weeks behind them... !! Stay safe, seems like you have things in order.

    1. This is, indeed, a time to show the world what it really means to be good.

  23. At least we managed to secure approval for home office for the colleague with the small kid - schools are cancelled around here at the moment.

    1. They seem to be cancelling everywhere *sigh*.

  24. Each time I read your thoughtful, (and true) stories/writings Magaly, I always, always, get a spark of insight that makes me think beyond the moment. Also I read many of your follower's comments, and this usually adds to the words I want to make flow. But this time, today....I have none. I am exhausted with the feelings and actions of our human race. I am simply going to get into my blanket cave and find peace. Selfish of me I'm sure.

    1. Not selfish, JC. Sometimes (many times, these days) we need a break from the madness if we are to survive the days to follow.

  25. My apologies for a late response...covid- 19 had me busy! I like how you refer to the monster in that abstract way... it's in the corner, but we choose to ignore its purported power. Stocking up and sitting tight is what we're doing, too.
    Love how you approach this.

    1. Not so dear COVID-19 seems to be having that effect on most of us. The proof can be seeing in the fact that I'm replying to your comment after nearly 2 months, lol!

      Stay safe, Vivian.

  26. I just don't understand the over buying of toilet paper? We still have to go to the grocery store at 7:00am, to get some! Crazy!
    I love how you put your words together!!! Big Hugs!


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