Saturday, August 15, 2020

Let Me Explain

A cute skull in your hand,

our neighbors cringing at the sight of you
sticking a hammer in its eye.

You tell them, “Let me explain
about my wife, skulls and hammers make her smile.
And I love her.”

More on Hammereye, the skully that partly inspired the poem, HERE.


  1. How lovely to have a husband who understands you so well! And What an interesting collection of books.

  2. Our lives are for living and laughing, what a miserable time we'd have if we always insisted on following rules and never roll about floor in response to laughter or kindness.

  3. i think it's pretty hard to explain to the neighbors.
    is this poetry form a cherita?

  4. He knows what pleases you, and if it must be skulls and eye hammers, then so be it. He is special to love that about you. If the neighbors dont like it, oh well. And if they do, then they certainly know your heart well. And Magaly, I know you will take it as the greatest of compliments when I say ...."you're a bit weird". xoxo ;)

  5. LOL, Gomez and Morticia ain't got nothing on you two!

    But in all seriousness, how amazing is it to be with someone who really "gets us"? Someone who not just indulges our little weirdnesses, but delights in them? The language of love develops its own distinct accents from couple to couple, otherwise it doesn't last or isn't satisfying...and I am someone who demands to be as satisfied as I enjoy satisfying my partner. 😁

  6. Hammereye is so cute! Plus he skateboards!

  7. This makes me smile (and maybe be a little less judgmental of the IT poster that made me sleep on a couch once). :)

    1. Bwahahaha! I seem to remember a college boyfriend who felt uneasy sharing sleeping space with a anatomically correct poster of the Frankenstein monster halfway through the procedure. No, we didn't last.

  8. Adorable. I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s big-time ready for Halloween. Or actually, this is probably just you on the year-round daily. :)

    1. In the words of Tim Burton, “For some of us, Halloween is everyday.”

  9. That's so lovely. To have someone get you. Liked the undertone of humor in the poem

  10. Humor and unconditional love. What a winning combination!

  11. This is just so sweet and adorable that you have a husband that really gets you. I'm so happy for you that you have that.

    ps... Hammereye is super cute!

    1. Thank you so much. I am quite grateful, too. And I will tell Hammereye you said so.

  12. I don't think I've ever smile at the thought of skulls and hammers, but I shall from this point on. :)

  13. Skulls and hammers! i can understand the neighbour's curiosity

    Happy Sunday


  14. Such a vivid and smile-inducing poem, Maga. What a wonderful thing to spend your life with someone who totally gets you. I love, I love! <3

    1. Yay! for the smiles. And yes, knowing that we are known feels awesome (as you already know).

  15. Does the husband think his explanation will allay the neighbors' fears?

    1. I think the husband is just happy to share. The neighbors will have to found a different way to soothe their fears.

  16. This is an amusing little write. The neighbors probably don't understand that there is one place that is triggered with delight by the simple things. I'm glad your Piano Man understands and finds it.

  17. Nice collection of books to have stuck in one's skull...


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