Saturday, October 10, 2020

When the Growing Gets Un-easy

My heart knew

you and I could be forever, then
you bared your teeth

before showing me the twist
of your back.

I tried tracking your steps, but
catching you
(the new you)
felt wrong—

your face un-filled, un-real, gone.

Once, when you were still
untwisted, you wrote to me,

“My heart and your heart
know we are meant to grow
side by side, you and I.”

But your tongue inked lies—

your heart was made for walking
(blind, blind and all alone),
when the growing gets un-easy.

photo by Jason Rojas, on Unsplash

 for Poets and Storytellers United (Writers’Pantry #41: Writers’ Pantry #41: “for her unmistakable poetic voice”), inspired by Weekly Scribblings #40: Walking Away.


  1. Lots of heartbreak woven into this gem ....

  2. Describes practically everyone's love life at some point or another! Such exes are why voodoo dolls were invented.

    1. @Debra, romantic relationships, friendships... pretty much any relationship with we put our hearts into. And I just finished reading Alice Hoffman's Magic Lessons, so your voodoo dolls comment made me laugh extra hard (while looking over my shoulder).

      @Rosemary, I love it too! 😜

  3. That is the trouble with romance, attraction fades and you see a different person in front of get rid of them quick!

    1. No need to hold on to someone who is sucking the life out of you, friend or romantic partner.

  4. Sometimes we have to face the hard realities – including that people will make their own choices, however wrong they may appear to us.
    (My, that's a scary picture you used! Makes me wonder which came first, image or words.)

    1. So true.

      They sort of came at around the same time. I had been drafting this poem (while waiting to see the doctor, lol) when a friend sent me the image, with a note that said, "Isn't this f*cking creepy!?" I didn't disagree.

  5. Replies
    1. Everyone involved, even if it doesn't seem that way at first.

  6. This is a poem I identify with, Magaly, as if it was inked deep in my skin, you wove a spell to charm it to the surface, and now I can’t rub it out. It seems, no matter how hard we try, we never forget that twist of the back.

    1. I'm right there with you, Kim. That twist is hard to overlook, one it has been noticed.

  7. I once knew someone like this; only you described her better. Funny how we "knew" it the first time but....

    1. It seems too many of us have met this individual.

  8. "...Once, when you were still
    untwisted..." Oh, dem wuz da days, eh?

    Great work, MG.

  9. This gives me shivers--"un-easy" fits the eeriness.

  10. Sometimes I think my own heart is made for walking away. Ah, me!

    1. And thank goodness for that. Sometimes our hearts must walk away (in self-defense).

  11. this pulls all the right levers. it hurts.
    awesome poem!

  12. I'm really liking the word twist here. The poem also makes me think about the word "stab" and in the back.

  13. People do change during the course of a relationship, but a lot of "could be forever"s have been cut down when lies were the way the changes were dealt with. Were those lies worth it to the liar?

  14. A bitter sweet tale of love lost to longing

    Stay safe. Happy Sunday


  15. An affecting and great response to the prompt. Your poem is so relatable as all, at some point in our lives, we get lied to and left heartbroken.

  16. Seems we have to encounter heartbreak before we open our eyes to the true definition of love. Beautiful poem, penned with the ink of despair.

  17. Heartbreak...It hurts even when walking away is needed. I have found my heart broken several times the last few years. Not all heartbreak is wrapped with romance. "when the growing gets uneasy" Love that.

    1. You know what, I can't say that I have really been heartbroken when it comes to romance. Every time my heart has been left bloody, it has been by the boots of family or friends. Hm... I don't think I had ever really thought about that before.

  18. Betrayal...part of lifes thorny road. Painful..but you can be proud of yourself if you would never do that to another . We all hope one day to meet someone worthy ,not just in romance but in friendship and other situations.You know why Diogenes always had a lamp in his hand?...He was looking for an honest man...Yep and guess know the answer already LOL

    1. No wonder we value the worthy ones so much--they are so hard to find!

  19. Hey Beautiful Soul!
    I have missed your awesome words!! Your heart always knows! Never go against it!!
    Big Hugs! I hope you are safe and healthy!!

    1. The heart might take a while to see (or believe) what's going on, but when it does... we should certainly listen.

      I am safe and relatively healthy. Hope the same is true for you!

  20. Words and image blend again to write a creepier story than any movie effects could manage XXX

    1. Coming from you, my Gina love, this has made my day!


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