Thursday, March 24, 2022

Into Old Heartbeats

There is a special place in my heart
for the silver-haired
souls who have seen
and felt
and tasted
and learned so much
more than youth has ever imagined.

I love the knowing in old eyes,
the knowing that sings, “Fluidity,
my dear heart, is a superpower
that can be learned.
If you slow down

(just a bit)
I will share
all my old
story things with you.”

So, I slowdown my living…
dance into old heartbeats,
delight in their story things--
the ones written
on the wrinkled
sheets of their brains,
on the tales life carved
on their faces…
I feel their old words, taste their ink
and learn to grow more.

photo by Milada Vigerova on, Unsplash

- someone, who means a lot to me, has been saying that they feel and look old, and they don’t like it; more than that, they’re getting depressed because of it. Another person—who knows my views on age and growing vintage—asked if I could talk to them, maybe help lift their spirit… I wrote this poem with those thoughts in mind.

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #19: Of Age and Aging and Such…


  1. "The knowing in old eyes..." .. there is a price isn't grow and not just age...

  2. We must find joy and happiness in every age, or else what is life for?

  3. I always like the thing I heard or read so long ago that I can't remember where it came from – to the effect that it's OK to get old because 'the alternative's worse'. I'm glad to be alive! The fact that I am 82 continues to astonish me; I don't feel the slightest bit elderly! (But sometimes my body gives me a bit of a hint that it might be true.)

  4. It is truly a wonderful poem. Getting old is not fun, and many feel like your friend. It is a matter of still thinking we are young in our brain but the body says, "NO" Thanks for the poem.

    1. Then, we shall always remember we're young (inside).

  5. The worst thing about getting old is becoming wise If I knew all the stuff I know now when I was young I don't think I could have gone on I don't think youth is wasted on the young

  6. Such a lovely poem. So many stories are untold in our modern nursing homes, it breaks my heart.

  7. We must show respect to these trendsetters, making mistakes, getting it right, and leaving legacies
    Have a good weekend Magaly


  8. This is gorgeous and true, true, true, true.

  9. Ah age - sometimes it feels like nothing and other times like everything.

  10. Such a lovely poem, I enjoyed it.

    All the best Jan

  11. I do like that I know quite a bit more at almost 50 than I did at almost 20. Some of it is bitter, a fair portion is sweet, but I wouldn't give up that knowledge or the living I did to get it for anything.

  12. That is sweet, Magaly. That you would write about the aged in such a lovely manner.

    1. Like a friend of mine often says, "Age is a gift. The alternative involves too much not breathing for my liking."

  13. A simply beautiful poem. I love the knowing in old eyes, too.

  14. Maybe I am just a bit of a granny (as I often joke) but apart from the health problems, I have often looked forward to being a crone!

  15. This sounds nothing of what I've become - a curmudgeon of some sort.

    Your alternative sounds better, Magaly

  16. I'm glad to be old too, Magaly you tell the aging sooo well. With modern medicine, knowledge, and technology. Like you, we both probably wouldn't be alive, cancer and aneurisms both are killers. I believe I'm the oldest here, 88, and have had at least a dozen virtual friends die on me. Some dear.
    Parts wear, ducts fail, etc., we patch, repair, and replace. And we love telling stories.
    More and more of these you may need with time. May God bless you and you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    p.s. My "cake" today is ALL birthday, even my photo. Thanks again for the prompt and for posting.

  17. Love, love, love this. I was always told you're only as old as you feel, and some days I think I'm 102 but for the most part I'm keeping young at heart. And I hope to have many many stories to tell one day.

    1. My body often feels ancient--thank goodness for my soul!

  18. Wanted to check in .. hoping your Spring Cold is long gone now. Looking forward to your next bit of poetry.

    1. Thank you so much, Helen, that means a lot to me. I'm feeling much better. Just waiting for the last of coughing to go away.


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