Thursday, March 10, 2022

Winter’s Final Gasp (I hope)

not-quite Journaling, 31

 the book of our time:
pages and pages… of woe

(with love interludes)

2/25/2022: I don’t have nightmares often. But today I woke up screaming, with the sounds and images and stench of war so vivid in my head that it took me a while to figure out that it had been a nasty dream. My heart aches for those who can’t wake up from the nightmarish reality they are being forced to live. I hope they can take a peace-full breath… soon.


Love is what we build
after the lust storm.

3/4/2022: After an exhausting conversation about love at first sight, I was asked to describe romantic love in 9 words; so, I did.


icy chic—
winter’s final gasp
before spring

3/9/2022: Then again, knowing Old Man Winter (and his cold petty ways), it’s more than likely that there will be some more gasping. Still, a wild woman can dream, right? So, here I am… dreaming warmer dreams of spring.

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #17: Heroes.


  1. We are past the days of being able to imagine war as something heroic, when the Global Village presents us with the actual images as it is all happening. The horror is much too real; heaven forbid it invade our dreams too! As you say, at least we can wake up; those actually experiencing it do not have that luxury.

    Yet love and Spring are equally real. Despite nightmares, despite exhaustion, it's vital to hang on to that.

    1. You are so right. Even the thought of war as heroic makes me cringe.

    2. You're also right about the rest, we must hold on to the good.

  2. pages and pages of woe... sad indeed!!!!

  3. I'm going think more about that: describing love at first sight in 9 words. I remember when I first learned about the 6 word memoir and wrote a bunch of them. This was Hemingway's: "For Sale: baby shoes, never worn." I wish we could all wake up from the nightmare of war.

    1. The first time I read Hemingway's micro tale, I was tempted to write a bunch of 13-word micro stories... Maybe I should think about it too.

  4. I love your writing. Love at first sight in 9 words. Brilliant!

  5. Spring will come and after the horrible unrelenting heat of climate change summer. I will deal with a few more weeks of cold.

  6. I like them all, especially the one about romantic love.

  7. It wont be long, I promise. Hang in there. I can smell the flowers already.

    1. It's still a tad chilly, but things are blooming...

  8. I long for Spring .... and Peace!

  9. Love in 9 words ~~~ awesome. It's so difficult, wrapping my head around what is happening in Ukraine. Standing in solidarity is essential.

    1. I think anyone with a brain (and half a heart) should be unable to wrap their head around what is happening in Ukraine. But there are so many heartless people out there... Sigh.

  10. I am very fond of that musing on love. LOL, a little less fond of winter trying so sneak one last chilly grasp in, but such is March weather. And yes, I pray that there is a path for peace possible in the storm that has its epicenter in the Ukraine.

    1. It seems April is not feeling all that springy either.

  11. My heart aches too, for all those whose lives have been turned up side down due to this "special operation." It is indeed the kind of nightmare that wakes one up screaming or even afraid to fall asleep. But we live in hope?

    And how stunning is your featured image! It deserves to be printed and framed.

  12. A nightmare that keeps giving even when you are awake. I pray for relief for the Ukrainians, they deserve it and have earned it.

  13. War is like that invasion even of dreamers
    May peace return soon


  14. We've been fortunate to have enjoyed a spring-like day, the daffodils are looking so cheerful.

    But sadness for Ukraine, praying for peace.

    All the best Jan

  15. All very wise words! I am trying to focus on the happy chapters because I am too good at focusing on the bad!


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