Thursday, June 1, 2023

Glimpsing Forget-Me-Nots

not-quite Journaling, 54

5/26/2023: When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my life turned into a series of postponements. Piles of things were dumped on the backburner: writing, business projects, travel, birthdays, anniversaries, other health concerns, emails… I used to think, I’ll do A when B is no longer an issue, or when my body doesn’t hurt so much, or after my sleep is more restful. You know what I figured out? Letting things pile up, in hope for easier days, is a terrible mistake. I’m so behind on everything that I would burst into manic laughter, if I had time for hysterics. But I don’t. So, I’ll just take a deep breath (or 50), do some serious reprioritizing, and get things done as efficiently and promptly as I can. Freaking out about things I can’t control would just be another mistake.


5/30/2023: There is a wet rumble in my chest. My nose is full of best-left-undescribed yuck. And while my skull and joints consider the merits of imploding or exploding (my OCD hopes for the latter, less cleanup), my scratchy eyes glimpse the forget-me-not I planted last winter. All isn’t even close to well; but the tiny smile the sight blooms, out of my exhausted self, says that all isn’t exactly bad.


6/1/2023: A not-so-helpful health coach manexplained to me that “chronic fatigue is a clear sign that a person isn’t eating healthy, resting enough, or exercising”. Since I had already used all my maniacal cackles spoons for the week, I just stared at him unblinkingly for an unconformably long moment… and then scribbled this poem. Besides, I would’ve hated to waste a proper burst of maniacal cackles on an idiot. I save my glorious cackles for people I like. Muahahahahaha!

- Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #79: Unfinished Projects.


  1. I think there are times when postponement is the only intelligent – or even possible – option! After that, some things might show up as unnecessary after all. For the rest, it's amazing what 10 minutes at a time can accomplish. (I speak as one much practised in procrastination!) Looking at flowers is of course one of the essentials, best not postponed.

  2. "not wanting something/ won't make it vanish"... so right.. you're on point about reprioritizing when it's just not possible to catch up with everything. And I can confirm that health coach has clones everywhere... I got a lot of "helpful" advice when I came out of surgery.

  3. Gotcha, Magaly. But from reading your progress diary here I think you have passed A and B a long, long ways. Point Z now is wearing down, time to get started. I'm sort of that way but circumstances are beginning to come active for some new pages of my life.
    Excellent prompt idea, I even had my first two lines to mark my initial predicaments.

  4. A health coach who doesn't understand what chronic fatigue is? Yikes!

  5. Long haulers are helping people understand chronicle fatigue better. Some people still think it just means you are sleepy. Flowers and birds are my medicines these days.

  6. 5/26 Trust me I understand how things pile up when one's mind is focused on a huge overwhelming issue (s), but I also know you are grateful issue B is at rest. Thats a start. UGOGIRL! xo

  7. Although we rarely admit it, all any of us have for certain is this, hopefully reoccurring, second right now. Your words ring true: "Letting things pile up, in hope for easier days, is a terrible mistake."

  8. What an absolute Dick! I guess "teaching Dick a lesson in real life " is just another thing for your "to do" list ...but a deliciously naughty one to simmer slowly and smirk about in quiet moments cws. XXX

  9. UGH, what a jerk he is! I know what exhaustion is and I am SUPER thankful that I don't know chronic fatigue up close and personally. LOL, I have seen you use The Look on people like that, so I imagine he shut up soon after.

  10. Sitting here quite certain I hear your 'glorious cackles' absolutely convinced you like me. 'Muahahahahaha!' First image is magnet fridge worthy.

  11. May your blue forget me nots bring you a slice of happiness along with your mad cackles!......Cressida

  12. I think sometimes there's really no choice to postpone some things, if there's too much on the plate. There's maybe even a need to abandon some projects for the moment.
    I can just imagine that stare you gave to that health coach.

  13. I do think that nature the flowers, trees etc can be a helpful medicine for our wellbeing.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  14. I must say your episode with the health coach is hilarious, some aren't worth the time for a reaction 🤣

  15. So much to contend with health wise...*sigh. I'm taking a deep breath (or 50) with you. And may glimpsing at those lovely forget-me-nots continue to brighten your days. <3

  16. I love your attitude, Magaly, so wise and intuitive. Totally agree. Sometimes you have to grit your teeth and get on with stuff. One thing at a time. (and there'll always be some nuisance mansplainer, best ignored!) Loved reading your journal entry, very life-affirming :-)

  17. I love the idea of re-prioritizing, and looking at the life of flowers.

  18. Friday June 9 Where did the week go? I will have to play that catch-up game. We all must, or we wither like an unwatered flower in the sun.


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