Friday, April 5, 2024

Old Enough

Am I old enough to coax lively thoughts
out of an exhausted mind?

Am I old enough to lessen the loss
of a forlorn soul?

Am I old enough to rekindle the flame
in a frozen heart?

Am I old enough to free a stifled tongue
and share words of fly?

Am I old enough to change
ancient roots into fresh art?

Am I young enough to value what was
and celebrate growing old?

Yes, I am.

Today, I dance my 47th turn around the sun. My back is aching and my lymphedema is acting up. Still, there will be food, presents, family time, writing and gardening. So… life is good.

photo by Nikhita Singhal, on Unsplash

for Poets and Storytellers United (Friday Writings #121: Youth Is Nature, Age Is Art)


  1. I find I think increasingly of freeing my stifled tongue as I grow older... if not now, then when... !!!

    1. Gosh, Rajani, I wouldn't have thought of your tongue as stifled! But of course it's your pen I'm thinking of.

    2. Tongue vs Pen... real life vs poetry... :) :)

  2. Love this and the way you weave your life into it - Great work

  3. I love that 'changing ancients roots into fresh art' Great love you are old and young enough!

  4. Happy Birthday ! You still have so many years to keep on dancing around the sun. Hope all the smiling and dancing will cancel out some of that pain...Enjoy !.......Rall

  5. As Marja says, both old enough and young enough. May we all be so!

  6. Happy Birthday, dear Magaly! I hope your Special Day is Extra Special this year!

  7. Happy Birthday, Magaly, you've entered into the best years yet to "rekindle frozen hearts" and much more along the way.

  8. Have a sweet, happy birthday, Maga! 💜💜💜

  9. Wishing you a very happy birthday.

  10. We are old enough all too soon but to do all the things you say is a wonderful tribute to getting older. Happy Birthday lovely lady.

  11. Only 47! Yes you are old enough and young enough.

  12. You are a young poet. Have a most excellent year.

  13. Answer is yes because your memory is still working good. I wish it could be the last to go but that generally doesn't happen.
    Thanks for the prompt, I enjoyed its fruit.

  14. Asked ~ and answered. A deep exploration into the who's and why's of an amazingly insightful, talented and brave woman. I hope your birthday was the day you needed it to be! Cheers to more. May they be as pain free as possible.

  15. Thinking of you and sending belated happy birthday wishes.

    All the best Jan

  16. belated birthday- stay blessed...great poetic work

  17. Happy Birthday. You are old enough to be young!


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