Friday, November 15, 2019

Behind Her Self-Crafted Collection of Masks…

“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” – Brené Brown

Through a mask

she speaks to all
of authenticity.

And I wonder,
what does her tongue know
of mirrors?

Can a muffled ear feel
truth that lies
outside its own skull?

“Do you know? Can you feel?”

No response parted her lips, but
her rage was sweet
behind her self-
crafted collection of masks…

honest and violent.

the wee notes

- this is my frankensteining of two poems (a cherita and a stitched blackout) I shared on Instagram. You can see the originals (which were posted about 3 months apart) here and here. The cherita was my response to an earlier prompt.

- my muse and I have been organizing words (and procrastinating), so it’s likely that the rest of 2019 will bring more frankensteined pieces. And if we are very lucky the organizing (and editing and rewriting) will turn into a book for 2020. 🤞🏽

- for Poets United Pantry of Poetry and Prose #4, Rommy’s first hosting (Welcome home, my “tea-adoring, music-appreciating, witchy-flavored, nerd extraordinaire” friend!).


  1. Great poem. I appreciate people who can churn poetry naturally - it's something I cannot do at all

    1. Of course you can. I know you can. That settles it: we will write a poem together.

    2. @AZ, If you had met me a handful of years ago, your comment would have made you laugh until your tummy hurt. I used to hate poetry. I started writing it because I thought a short format would keep my muse fed, while I recovered from illness and was able to write long works again. My introduction to poetry writing wasn't smooth or natural. But I kept at it, kept at it, kept at it... until poetry and I were able to kiss each other on the mouth and love it.

      I can't wait to see/read the poem you and Blue will churn into being.

  2. Fascinating character portrait! And beautifully frankensteined; clever you.

  3. Oh, the masks we all wear! Or, in today's parlance, our "carefully curated images!" I have many masks too. My favourite is HRH.

    1. How dare you try to say that HRH is you. The moment she blogs again, I will tell on you. We both know that she won't take being impersonated all that well.

  4. Your words are powerful and if I may borrow the words from a link you posted...

    To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect — and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are...

    Truer words were never written! Peace!

    1. I love and believe the second part of the quote so much.

  5. This is a wonderful response to the prompt. I like the use of cherita form as well, it carries your words so well. And that quote by Brené Brown is spot on.

    All the best with editing and rewriting. Keep at it! :)

  6. Masks are certainly common enough, especially as armor. But there's something really awful about the ones who aren't even honest with themselves about their masks or why they wear them. They'd be pitiable if it wasn't for the damage they cause to others.

    1. I think that first mistake many people make is to believe that they don't need or have to wear masks, or that masks are negative things. We wear them even when we don't notices them. It's easier--or, perhaps, less dangerous--to get to know them well. When we don't, then the damage you speak of happens.

  7. what does her tongue know
    of mirrors - love that!

    And yes, it will be a great book - looking forward to it.

  8. You’ve done some neat stitching in your frankensteined poem, Magaly, and I look forward to more of the same! I like the quote you included with this one. ‘What does her tongue know of mirrors?’ reminded me of being a very small child who licked windows and mirrors!

    1. You licked mirrors? OMG! You know you have to write that story one day, right? Maybe, when you do, I will also write the story of how I use to suck on certain flowers (my favorite librarian used to say I had a bee complex, lol).

  9. Frankensteining works. Well done.

  10. I think this is so most true of everyone to some extent... but I find masks easier to see in others than myself.

    1. I'm right there with you, sir. Most times, it's really difficult see ourselves from the inside.

  11. Masks are sometimes there to protect ourselves but also to protect others. Does she use the mask to hide herself from the vision of the mirror? Interesting thoughts that you have, thank you.

    1. Mask can definitely be a defense for all those to which said mask is exposed. Interesting question...

  12. Does she want the authenticity of which she speaks? From herself? From others? This is a poem of many facets. :)

  13. An interesting character study. Well done, Magaly.

  14. I love this..."honest and violent" interaction between inner and outer world. And "what does her tongue know of mirrors" makes me think about the different challenges of seeing too few mirrors and seeing far too many. So much to ponder here!

    1. Eyes closed in a dark room or eyes wide open in a bright room of mirrors. Challenging indeed.

  15. Oh this is absolutely brilliant!❤️ I love how both poems meld into a spectacular one which speaks of honesty and how the mirror reveals our true feelings and selves. 😘😘

  16. There’s a violent honesty in being your authentic self. Well done!

    1. I agree. Many times, it's just too hard to be exactly who one is (in today's world) without honestly baring one's teeth.

  17. This is really really good! To my mind, it speaks to a very unfortunate (albeit all to prevalent - human?!?) quality, that I sadly have come up against in many. That is: the predilection of some to proceed through much of their life, disingenuously. It really kinda nullifies the point of proceeding, at all - since what is left in the wake of passing through … isn't true. To say nothing of the fact that is makes such a muddled mess of relationships, workplaces, etc. etc. etc. People in masks! Dang! What's with them!

    1. You know, I don't think I ever thought about how empty the life of someone who never show herself or himself can really be. But you are correct. If no one knows, no one can love you or remember you.

  18. I like the Brene Brown quote. So true!

  19. Honest and violent is a force to be reckoned with; but truth is hard to define in a world of liars.


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