Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Letter to My Pre-Breast Cancer Diagnosed Self

Dear Two-Breasted Magaly,

June is as hot as jalapeños in a Sahara mood, and you’ve just received a breast cancer diagnosis. You aren’t scared. You aren’t crying. You are no stranger to serious illness. Still, I must warn you that this flesh-eating beast is going to be different from any other disease-demon you’ve had to kick in the teeth before now.

No, I’m not talking about the riot of side effects breast cancer treatment will brew (what you’ve read is brutally accurate: it is going to hurt, it is going to alter your flesh and feels, it is going to seriously suck for a while). This disease will change how you’ve always felt about certain social concepts (i.e., labels such as “breast cancer warrior”, wearing the pink ribbon).

Right now, you are wondering if calling oneself breast cancer warrior and wearing the pink ribbon are just fads, or symbolic ways to fight against something too ugly to face uncloaked. I’m writing this—three years after your breast died so that I could live—to share with you what I know now: I claim the label and wear the pink ribbon, because awareness is a caring weapon most warriors are grateful to share. I have also added a skull to the mix, as a reminder that even after our flesh is maimed or gone, at our core were as hard as bone, and will keep on grinning even after being stripped to the bone.

With a Whole Lot of Love (lively cackles, and at least 13 skulls),

 One can’t stay sillily-serious for too long while wearing such a cool hat.

  - for Poets and Storytellers United--Weekly Scribblings #91: Personal Symbols (and Changes to P&SU).


  1. Wow! Love the cute photos and your decorated, laughing skull. I've always failed to see how those facebook memes on the subject (which end with the emotionally blackmailing, 'I know who will repost this and who won't') can actually help. Perhaps if they too would incorporate the call to action: 'Check your boobs'. Anyway, you have given me a different perspective, Warrior Woman. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary! I'm right there with you when it comes to meme blackmail. They annoy me. Saying "repost this if you care about curing cancer" is a disgusting bullying tactic. Not only that but it might make people avoid the posts that promote true awareness.

  2. Warrior Woman, love you! I love the pictures! You are so adorable! Love your smile! Love your t-shirt!!! And, of course, love your cool hat!!! Big Hugs!

  3. A friend just got diagnosed with breast cancer and goes in for her surgery tomorrow. I hope that, like you, she will kick cancer's ass too!

    1. I hope your friend is recovering nicely. And I join my hopes to yours in the kicking cancer's ass department.

  4. Including you I've know three with breast cancer. It can be a killer but none of my three succumbed though all had a hard time. My niece decided halfway through that she wanted to have surgery, that ended her fight fairly rapidly. My other was a friend, the men's basketball coach at our college. I don't think he had surgery but fought with it for over a year.
    Again, I am real glad you have kicked it. I like your bottom cartoon.

    1. Thank you, Jim. And I am everyone you've met with this horrible disease has done well!

  5. Love that you remain your awesome self XXX

    1. Can you imagine me any other way? Of course not!

    2. By the way, since your butt seems not inclined to blog again, I think it's time I return to Facebook. I miss you.

  6. That you approach this new challange in such a fun and creative way is nothing short of awesome. Best Wishes Magaly


  7. I could not imagine a more perfect t-shirt for you! LOL, I also have that exact same hat. Glad to know you Warrior Woman, and glad that you're still around and kicking.

    1. I hope we can't wear our hats together one of these days!

  8. Your spirit is such a blessing, Magaly. All three of you are adorable...you, your hat and the shirt!! Blessings.

  9. Could you be more adorable? No! Could you be more candid, brave? No! A neighbor had a double mastectomy yesterday. Made dinner for her family including four children this evening ... every little bit helps.

    1. You are a blessing, my sweetest Helen! I'm so happy your neighbor has you close by.

  10. Love the tshirt- ribbon, skull and all. Your spirit and positivity reach across the miles and speak volumes. Thank you.

  11. Absolutely love that poster...check your boobs mine tried to kill me...Mine tried to kill me too...not out of the woods yet...the medication is making me write a lot of love poems...if you get my meaningP:)

    1. I totally get what you mean. Cancer meds have brew some rather interesting poems out of me, a lot of giggling too. I hope you leave the woods very soon.

  12. OMG - that's the best shirt for self breast exam I have ever seen.

  13. I just read this to my husband and showed him your rocking shirt! It is absolutely brilliant as are you. Sending lots of love. :)


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