Thursday, January 6, 2022

Delighting in Food

My favorite breakfast is a treat: 39 grams blueberries (chopped), 69 grams grapes (also chopped), 13 grams pecans (chopped and roasted), 69 grams Greek yogurt (plain and nonfat). My favorite part of eating breakfast is the joy warming tongue and thought as I sip my magic brew: one cup of Turkish coffee (with 1 teaspoon raw sugar & a pinch of nutmeg).

my resolution?
I don’t have one, but I am
delighting in food

photo by De’Andre Bush, on Unsplash
(this is a candid picture of my taste buds, at breakfast time… honest!)

- if you read “We Will Dance this Rotten World Better”, then you probably noticed that my gallbladder is a tad stony and my liver is a bit fat. After the first gallbladder attack and a test (or 5), my doctor says there is no inflammation (wooohooo!) and the surgeon says that if the gut-ripping pain doesn’t return (and I am willing to eat a low-fat *high deliciousness* diet), I might be able to keep my gallbladder. I really like choices, particularly if they might involve me not losing another chunk of flesh (or more teeth). So, in 2022, my resolution-like plan is to make my low-fat diet fun and delicious, and try to hold on to what remains of my fleshreally, a boob and some teeth should be more than enough tribute for the chronic illness monster!

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #8: Resolutions.


  1. Low-fat diets can be fun too.. a lot of Indian vegetarian food fits that description, if you ever want to give it a shot! Stay safe and stay healthy!

  2. I love this post! What a yummy, even exotic breakfast that sounds like. Thanks for giving us the details; might try that one too.

    It was back in the mid-nineties that I decided to keep my gallbladder. I was much influenced by the fact that my maternal grandmother died of a pulmonary embolism during a gallbladder operation, and my mother at about the same age very nearly did; had to be rushed to another hospital to be saved. And that was my age also (mid-fifties) when mine started playing up. Diet, including lemon juice, plus Reiki has kept it mostly peaceful ever since, i.e. for nearly 30 years. If I overdo the fatty foods, it lets me know and I stop quick, and also get my Reiki hands on it for an hour or so. In the early days just after diagnosis, the pain was often so extreme that Andrew used to phone up my most advanced Reiki students to chime in with absent healing while I writhed and shrieked! But now, with years of better eating, the pain – while still unpleasant – is much milder than that and quicker to subside.

    1. PS I should make it clear that I seldom overdo the fatty foods sufficiently to experience any pain at all! (But it can be tricky around times like Christmas.)

    2. My mom almost died of a gallbladder attack, when she was in her 30s. My dad had his removed in his 40s. As of right now, it seems I will be able to keep mine if I'm careful. I'm really good at being careful. So, fingers crossed.

  3. That is pretty fancy! Glad you can still have some nice things! Take care of yourself!

  4. At least spices still exist (gods bless garlic, rosemary, and green onions). I'm watching my fat intake too. Cholesterol issues run in my family and it's just sensible to be a little more proactive.

    Also blueberries for breakfast sound super-treat worthy to me. LOL, I love the little sugar bombs.

    1. I know how much you love blueberries. As you already know, they aren't my favorite food. But I chop them up super small and mix them with grapes and nuts and that helps.

  5. I love your attitude and the way you describe losing body parts. I too have many parts given over to knife happy doctors. Blueberries are one of he best foods a person can eat. I am with you on the choices. There are so many delicious meals that are low fat. Do you visit They have some amazing recipes. Have a wonderful day, be careful in the snow and enjoy that breakfast.

    1. Thank you for the link! I just started following the blog. Some of the recipes look delicious!

      Here is to no losing any more body parts, if we can help it!

  6. My New Year resolution is to take down the Christmas tree! You made me think and check my joy quotient. Also made me realize I needed some breakfast!

  7. A great diet can be tons of fun. I spend a lot of time experimenting with recipes, learning about new cuisines and trying new food. This year, one of our resolutions is to explore the cuisine of Africa - a lot of which is plant based and low fat.

  8. Exactly! Who needs New Year's resolutions if you can enjoy the taste of food?

  9. Low-fat diets are healthy, even quite apart from being good for wonky gallbladders. Enjoy! That breakfast sounds yummy, by the way. I'd eat it any day!

    1. You're so right. Changing my diets drastically has had some very nice unexpected results. My joints hurt less, I'm sleeping better, and I'm not as exhausted as I used to be.

  10. God love your resilient soul, Magaly. Your low fat breakfast sounds absolutely wondrous...the first of many low-fat treats you'll be preparing yourself. May your '22 be happy!

  11. glad you got some good news, and some choices. i think i told you before about the gallbadder ordeal i had last year, so i know how that feels. sounds like a good resolution and a good plan! here's to your health, and happy new year!

    1. I can't imagine having to wait so long--and with all that pain--to find out what was going on. I am lucky. My doctor figured it out right away.

  12. Breakfast of champions ~ for the reigning champ! Going to sprinkle nutmeg in my coffee tomorrow morning. Cheers to you and keeping that gall bladder, I lost mine in 2007.

    1. I hope you enjoy a hint of nutty yumminess in your magic brew!

  13. Your delicious healthy soundibg breakfast is a wowza
    Happy New Year


  14. Your breakfast sounds incredible, I have to try this! Delight is a wonderful philosophy, thank you for inspiring me today. Best wishes to you for '22

  15. Good luck, Magaly. I love the image of your taste buds celebrating.
    My dear wife mixes a cocktail of berries, bananas and protein shakes each morning.

  16. Magaly, I am glad for you that you can eat all these healthy yummies. My colonoscopy dr. says stay away from nuts, seeds, and corn stuff, plus. I cheat on the pecans, they grow here, and call them "vegetables". I learned, I hadn't known of marginal gallbladders.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR, and Hang Tight.
    p.s. Mrs. Jim and I share a pack, two bars inside, of granola bars for our breakfasts.

    1. I wouldn't know what to do if my doctors said that I had to give up nuts or fruit. I don't care if they say that I have to give up meat or cheese forever. But if they take away nuts and fruits... life would be really tough.

  17. Love that prioritization and fun approach to your (breakfast) meals. Wishing you a healthy and fun year ahead!

  18. that sounds like a yummy breakfast.
    my chronic illness is the heart (or rather the heart arteries). the doctor advises to watch the diet, but do not totally ignore your favourite foods. i like that doctor.

    Wishing you a safe and healthy 2022!

    1. My doctor is the same way. Well, there are some things that I have to give up completely--Crohn's and cancer treatment aren't very forgiving. But when it comes to the low fat bit, I have 13 treat days a year. I don't overdo it, but I enjoy myself on those days.

  19. Sounds a joyfully refreshing start to the day(year) :D XXX

  20. My resolution is never to make any

  21. Scrumptiously taking care of yourself. I love it. The coffee intrigued me as well.

    1. I love coffee with spices. Nutmeg is my everyday spice. But some days I add cinnamon, cloves, allspice... and enjoy the taste explosion.

  22. That sounds like a delightful breakfast! I'm heading to my fridge.....


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