Thursday, August 10, 2023

Cackling Into the Storm

I refuse to fear might-be horrors. Fretting over what’s yet to kick me in the jaw, in the gut, in the breast… is losing half the battle (perhaps the war). Yes, I care. No, I’m not pretending or hoping it will go away--my monsters and I sip honesty from the same clear cup. We slow dance brow-to-brow, mouth-to-mouth, our hearts bleeding into each other’s ribs. When misery threatens to kiss me, I show teeth, mount my muse, and devour those cruel lips (ink at the ready). 

holding my passion
by horn and halo, I ride
cackling into the storm

photo by Nicolas Thomas, on Unsplash

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writings #89: You Laughed, You Cried, Now You Write.


  1. Not everyone manages to ride cackling into the storm.. but you do it and write about it in style...!!! More power to you!

  2. A real warrior! I love "Our hearts bleeding into each other’s ribs" Oh and you so must show your teeth sometimes :)

  3. Honesty shines through your words...

  4. Your horn and halo contrast is one more thing that is visually bewitching to me. :)

  5. "I ride / cackling into the storm" -- the Magaly we all know and love!

  6. From a tiny ink-spot what gifts await...

  7. "By horn and halo, cackling is good!

  8. Told in an interesting way, the things that might be. My aging
    has brought several of those, I'll add, "and probably will" for it
    to fully be me.

  9. Fearless you are Magaly . You go girl !......Rall

  10. I love your little stories. They take me somewhere fast, fill my mind with wonder, then open the door, my soul filled and satisfied, to let me out til next time. I must say, I heard the echo of your cackle over the roar of the thunder in that storm!

  11. Magaly, your header along with the beginning lines speak volumes, that's real courage

  12. Lets cackle together! Great Haibun Magaly.

  13. When one needs a boost, an inspiration, a laugh, a teardrop ... one must head to your blog because you cast magic in every single post gifted to us.

  14. Surely mightier than the sword, and inkblots prefersle to bloodspots every time.

    1. Blimey MrsT - words don't get sharper than the pointed barbs you aim at me... A sword would likely be kinder. :-)

  15. I love this! Thank you for sharing!

  16. "my monsters and I sip honesty from the same clear cup." - it reminds me of two fighters in the same ring. The words send a chill but it shows the reader that there is no fear.

  17. I like your words and writing Magaly.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  18. If anyone could cackle into a storm, it would be you!

  19. I. love. this. Every single word resonates.


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