Thursday, June 27, 2024

Scenting Memories

not-quite Journaling, 71

I will find me again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again & again...

6/11/2024: My seemingly interminable pain flare-up is finally waning. I’ve never had one last this long… Things aren’t great yet, but I’m able to walk 1.5 miles without feeling like my back, hip, and shoulder will explode. I’m grateful to be getting better, but the setback is always frustrating. I must spend the next few weeks helping my body recover. My flesh and bones feel tender and weak, but I’ll reclaim my strength. I always do. I always will.


every city
wails and wails,
my urban garden chants

6/14/2024: The first gloriosa daisy of the season came out to play, adding pre-summery brightness to the (HUGE) bit of green lush that is my balcony garden. The passionflowers, tomatoes, sunflowers, and dandelions are budding. The bees and butterflies and I are terribly pleased. 🪴🏵️🐝🦋🥰


summer is passion
flowers blooming purple curls,
scenting memories

6/21/2024: My Passiflora celebrated the arrival of Summer with a (blooming) BANG.


On dark days,
summer rains caress
bloom and thorn,
loving softly
adoring sharply
as you do me
and I you

on bright days too.

My Piano Man and I celebrated another anniversary (6/28/2024). We ate the same meal we ate on our handfasting day (minus champagne); we watched movies; we held each other extra-long; we did other things *cough*. It was perfect. Life hasn’t been easy for us, on the medical front these last few years, but we couldn’t ask for better on the loving front. The universe isn’t fair when it comes to balance, but it has been great to us (and our love). 

for Poets and Storytellers United (Friday Writings #133: Summer Words)


  1. Wishing you brightness and the enjoy of your garden - a beautiful collection of words, thoughts and picture - Jae

  2. as you do me
    and I you - hope that love and adoration helps the finding strength and yourself again...and again...!!! More power to you.

  3. When we downsize I hope we can have a balcony like you for plants and us rocking. I still have my pain as my knee surgery keeps slipping.
    Jim from Texas from Nebraska

  4. I am glad we can find you too, by coming here to your garden and your words.

  5. Gardens are always a source of solace. I hope your pain leaves and stays left.

  6. Gardens are the heart of creation. Lovely.

  7. I am glad the pain flare up is calming down and so happy that your garden is a source of joy. I am always impressed by how lushly your garden grows!

  8. So glad your pain flare-up is subsiding now. Your garden is gorgeous -- so lush and green! I love the spiral imagery of your blackout poem --very fitting.

  9. I'm glad you have your garden, and I especially like the passiflora. May I link?

    Pris cilla King

  10. Your summery balcony garden is beautiful!! I am envious. The last few lines of poetry you gifted us are incredibly lovely. Sighs from me. See you in September.

  11. One and a Half are doing so well. Pleased your pain is subsiding and thank you for sharing your lovely little garden and words with us...Hey when you tire of finding you again and again and again, can you come and find me too? :) Rall

  12. Wishing you the lush health your garden enjoys. So glad to hear you are a bit better.


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