Saturday, August 24, 2019

Another First Date

“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be…” ~ Robert Browning (on a sundial my Piano Man gave me for our first anniversary)

love you more,
we say, year after year…
tasting truth
in each other’s mouths.

another first kiss on Silver Lake Park, where we shared our first kiss
my Piano Man and I proposed to each other under this crabapple tree. The tag in the picture is new—I’ve no idea what it means for the tree… But since 13 and 31 (especially together) are my favorite numbers, it must be a good omen for me
the painting on the background is a handfasting present from Magic Love Crow

linking to Poets United (Poetry Pantry #491) and to the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads (Play It Again! with ‘Old Toads’. I chose the Sunday Mini-Challenge with Kim Nelson ~ Love after Love)


  1. When love after love is the same love, all is right with the world.

  2. Nice to remember that first kiss in such a beautiful way. Your poem, as your love, will live on.

  3. I love that you celebrate your life together in this way 🖤❤🖤

  4. Such a heart-warming write, Magaly!💖💖 I love that you proposed to each other under a crabapple tree 😊 soo romantic!

    1. Proposing to each just made sense. It was fun, too.

  5. How wonderful! How fortunate you both are to have found each other.

  6. the first kiss, over and over. And you proposed to each other! doubly romantic. did you ever see the movie, 50 first Dates? A sweet movie and I usually go for John Wick. Keep having those first dates and first kisses. blessings.

  7. I'm smiling with happiness. Many happy returns of that first kiss.

  8. Hello beautiful! The taste of love, the taste of truth ~~ might be all we need.

  9. Happy Anniversary! Your poem art is beautiful and I love how you've incorporated Magic Love Crow's art!

  10. Happy Anniversary! Awe, such magic in your poem and those numbers~

  11. Awww So sweet, you could write me one like this every day. For a while but not lately, I made it an effort to every day after a kiss to ask her if she marry me. Blushing her cute bit, then I'd ask if she would renew our vows with me. She never says yes to that, her reply is that she hadn't done anything wrong that needd fixing. Weve been married 46 years.
    (I don't know you well enough but I'm thinking this is a fantasy poem, not the real you and Lover. If true, Happy Anniversary!!)

    1. Actually, Jim, this is the truth all the way. We are one of the quirkiest couple ever. And we honestly continue to propose marriage to each other at least thrice a week. And the kissing has never stopped...

  12. I love that you love that we love each other!' That your love grows entwined, unfolding, surrounding each other with understanding and acceptance and passion. It matters-! Continue!

  13. Love continues to unfold and intertwine and intersect and manifest itself in our hearts, our lives.....our very souls. It enriches our bones! Causes our blood to boil....infusing us with health and more sweet passionate love. Love you two. Happy, imaginative, mysterious, rich lovely life together. Have so much more! Have laughs!!it matters!

  14. Keep tasting all that is sweet & juicy :) Love your words emerging from the 'love heart' crows created be Stacy too... ahh love & crabapple trees xxx :)

  15. What a wonderfully warm sense this conveys

  16. Sweet! Very cool to go back and find that tag- like a sign!

  17. I am so glad you have such a beautiful and lasting love Magaly with your Piano Man.

  18. Love is a beautiful thing. May yours and your Piano Man grow from strength to strength! Btw, you look gorgeous...and the tree, and art all so stunning! <3

  19. When love is renewed like this, you know it can last. Love the pictures, you look great together.

    1. I totally believe it. We look forward to our yearly date--the ferry ride, the pizza, the ice cream, the coming... home.

  20. Beautiful...your poem and your love. What a gift - you and your piano man - for each other.

  21. ooh first kisses are always amazing and beautiful. your photo is alluring, hehe.

  22. Such a romantic tale, proposing under a crab apple tree. You are perfect for one another!

  23. Not more than the other, but more than before. Who could ever want more than that? Cheers to many more firsts!

  24. May you enjoy many, many years of first kisses. Congratulations!

  25. A WONDER FULL feel good post!!! A real 'upper'. Thanks for sharing!

  26. May the truth-tasting go on and on and on!

  27. Yes, may you continue to taste that truth...Beautiful poem

  28. Aw! You two are the cutest! That poem is just perfect to celebrate that lasting spark between you.

  29. Always a joy to revisit this moment XXX

  30. Love after love, a retention well sustained where one is forever young!


  31. Such a beautiful love story you have Magaly!! I love this!!!

  32. beautiful words, photos and art!! congratulations to you both!

  33. I love that the crabapple tree sent you such a good omen-y message!


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