Friday, August 2, 2019

The SMART Act, Facebook, and My Waist

“If you trust in yourself… and believe in your dreams… and follow your star… you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy.” ~ Terry Pratchett (there is a slight chance that I might’ve overused this quote, but… I don’t care)

Now, three not-so-random bits of wild living…

1. SMART Act: I’ve been reducing my social media usage—in order to write more (books keep refusing to publish themselves. The horror!). When I told a friend about this, she said, “SMART got to you, huh?” When I gave her my blankest look, she told me of The Social Media Addiction Reduction Technology (SMART) Act.

2. Adios Facebook Profile: I was going to say goodbye to Facebook, but there are still a handful of you with who I can only connect through the book of faces. So, I will change my profile into a page instead. Doing this will convert (according to Facebook) my profile Friends and Followers into page Likes. I need to keep a personal account, in order to manage the page, but… I will only friend my Mother in Law, The Boy, and my Piano Man… Anything else facebookish, I shall do through the page (which means that I will only be able to comment on public posts). My Instagram account shall remain as is.

3. An Inch at a Time: I’ve lost a bit over an inch of my waist in the last 3 months. I’m quite pleased with myself… and can’t wait until my latest surgical site heals, so that I can start trampolining and hiking and calisthenic(ing) my chunkaliciousness away.

What about you, my Wicked Luvs? What have you been up to?


  1. Yay for that inch loss. I need to focus on the losing of inches. I want to feel lighter and more energetic. The extra inches are just a burden weighing me down. I also suspect that it will help with my stomach issues... especially as there was just a news report here that an Austrian study had found that the meds I take for my stomach can increase allergies and affect the immune system. *le sigh*

    Yay for writing and publishing books too!

    1. My MIL and I were just talking about how sluggish one feels when carrying an extra pound (or 13). I still have several pounds to go, but I already feel the difference.

  2. Second knee replacement is 22 August. Should be healed enough by November to be able to walk. Have some weight to drop...

  3. First, I love that quote very much. It reminds me that trusting yourself and dreaming alone won’t yield results without the actual effort and the ability to learn or adjust to new things.

    LOL...the horror of books refusing to publish themselves. Seriously though as I mentioned before, I’m really glad you making time to push the book project. I can’t wait to read your story.

    I’ve glided through the SMART bill. It sounds sensible and timely. We need this kind of regulation to preserve our sanity, and especially inexperience youngsters.

    Adios Facebook probably won’t believe this. I recently told my husband that I’m going to take a radical move (after setting up a page as I figured I need it after all) and unfriend everyone, except him. I know it’s going to cause ill feelings, but people who are really interesting in my writing will understand. So, yes I support your decision and the page, I’ll be signing up. :D

    Kudos, on every inch lost! You should be pleased, it takes great effort to keep in shape, and moreover while still healing.

    So glad for these updates and keeping us in the loop on writing & living Maga, and for joining the random things. <3

    1. So, my FB page has been up for a couple of weeks now. And I don't know if I will keep it active. I told myself that I would test it for a least a month, and I will. But if it continues to feel superfluous on the 13th of this month, I will unpublish it. I think Instagram and Blogger (and my still empty website, lol) are more than enough for now.

  4. Ah..SMART is a very good thing. I only have to be concerned with IG and thats mostly Miss Charli, and I only blog on Friday (so far) so that is good, and Facebook never enticed me so I'm saved! Maybe I could put more effort into painting, hmmm? As for those strenuous things you do, or will do, to get rid of those inches, I cant. I can only wish. And envy you. Ah. dream on JC.

    1. You are obviously smarter than the rest of us. I suspect I will be mostly gone from Facebook in the next 2 weeks. We shall see. If I see at least a couple of people interacting with a page (and not on Instagram) I will leave it. If not, it will be Insta and Friday blogging for me too!

  5. Yay for more writing! Less of you on social media is a small price to pay for more word-smith goodness. Besides I know I can always find you on the blog and catch up with you here. :D

    Woot on the inches lost!

    1. Wow! It has been a month since this. Just long enough for me to consider unpublishing the page, lol!

  6. But, but, but ... most of my fb posts are set to Friends Only. I just don't know how you can bear to miss out on them in all those great gaps of time between writing your ass off and bouncing on your trampoline etc. Oh all right, you'll read my poems and that'll tell you everything; I get it. So – applause for the writing, the callisthenics, the transforming waist, the creative solutions to that-there Addiction....

    (Now, who is this Boy you keep mentioning? I seem to have missed something.)

    1. Thank goodness you've been on Instagram more often these days! Now, I can enjoy you there. I'm hoping that you will start sharing your awesome flowers there at some point *wink, wink, wink*.

      The Boy is my nephew. :-)

  7. Congrats on the 3 inches! Way to go! I'll be following your new page, and try to keep up with your blog posts. I think I've missed a few because I've cut down my FB usage as well. Must catch up! 🖤❤🖤

    1. Thank you. Now, I will be cutting even more on Facebook. I just don't seem to get excited about pages. No idea why. I don't think I will delete it, but I will put it aside for a while. I will republish it if there is need.

      And you aren't the only one who needs to catch up. I'm a month behind on replying to messages, lol!

  8. good for you! for all of it! hugs!!

  9. I had to unlike a bunch of political pages as Hubs gets so I guess we are reducing our social media time also...wonder if we will write?

    1. You should totally write! *grins*

    2. I don't know how anyone can survive the political stuff flooding FB.

  10. Good for you! I'm proud of you!! I've got back into me being healthy! Lots of ups and downs with my weight, but I'm healing and taking everything day by day. Also doing lots of art and trying to get back on to Instagram! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. I'm proud of us. I know we've been dancing on a yo-yo for what seems like forever. But we'll get it done!


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