Friday, August 9, 2019

Living Is Messy

“When things get tough... Make good art… Husband runs off with a politician? Make good art… Leg crushed and then eaten by mutated boa constrictor? Make good art… Somebody on the Internet thinks what you do is stupid or evil or it’s all been done before? Make good art. Probably things will work out somehow, and eventually time will take the sting away, but that doesn’t matter. Do what only you do best. Make good art [and do you].” ~ Neil Gaiman [and moi]

 Life is breaking,
spreading misery

Tyranny is on the hunt,
blood bubbling
with Sorrow (to cut with).

life breaks,
I stitch stories
to whole my pieces

I urge my words and heart
(and all I am)
to scream,

“Let us battle misery
with ink,
needle and thread.
Let us fight
for what we need,
for what we want.
Let us remember


to get
our desires,
we must do.”

Living is messy
art we can do
with each other,
for each other…

Art (has) humbled
terror, I’ve seen it

stitched together from poem bits, which I’ve shared on Instagram in the last few weeks. You can glimpse the original parts here, here, here, here, below 

for Poets United (Poetry Pantry #489)


  1. This is gorgeous, and heartening. I especially love "When
    life breaks,/ I stitch stories/ to whole my pieces/ together." Sometimes words are all we have. Thank heaven we have them! How do people PROCESS, when they dont write? Smiles.

  2. Truly, I am so tired of battle. And...I sometimes give up on the messy living. Throw up my hands and (imaginary) crumble. But I can still art. It always comes back and revives me. At times it is the only thing that grabs me inside, shakes me to move ahead. It's life itself. Writing, drawing, painting, or simply the art of loving something or someone special. Art heals hearts always. Your insightful thoughts no doubt will encourage many who read your poetic ink.

    1. We encourage each other, don't we? It is always wonderful to know that we aren't the only ones hurting... and still pushing forward.

  3. “To get our desires we must do”. That is the imperative. The antidote to hopelessness: do. Thank you for urging us on as your passionate lovely words always do. You unwavering wicked wonderful warrior!

  4. Beautifully written and so true, Magaly, especially:
    'Living is messy
    art we can do
    with each other,
    for each other'.

  5. "When / life breaks, / I stitch stories / to whole my pieces / together." Words are a thread that binds, that heals, that creates a whole from the pieces. And like a quilt comforts.

  6. From the bottom of my heart, I can't explain how much this touched my soul! So beautiful Magaly!!! Big Hugs!

  7. There's so many bits of these that I find myself nodding my head with, but it's that last one, filled with shiny hope, that feels like the most important bit to hold on to.

  8. How I love 'whole' as a verb!

    Yes indeed! Whatever do people do who don't make art? How do they cope? Love your stitchings, and also your longer writings.

  9. There is so much to think about in this piece. I love how you play with the theme of stitching

  10. Gosh! I'm touched and inspired by, and thankful for your eloquent words. Both your poem and quote find or meet me, where I am.

    "art we can do/ with each other, for each other…" and so, we will!

  11. This is incredibly exquisite and heart-warming, Magaly 😍😍 I especially resonate with: "Let us battle misery with ink, needle and thread. Let us fight for what we need, for what we want."💖💖

  12. I do wish more of us would consider our world and its future, but as writers we have the gift to tell how we feel...and there is none better than you Magaly to do just that.

  13. This is amazing--I love the way your words are a call to repair rather than wound.

  14. I think when life tears me apart, I try to stitch it with words of love, hope and positive energy. The wound may not heal as quickly as I'd like but, there is beauty in the stitching.

    Your words resonates with me. I think some need to learn the art of listening with their heart.

    1. I completely agree. Love and hope and positivity can do wonders. And the same goes for listening...

  15. Great empowering poem Magaly!

  16. Art (has) humbled terror, I’ve seen it happening." Yes it has! And it will continue to do so. Love this line.

  17. Living is indeed messy- wonderful Magaly.

  18. I love the idea of living as messy art. So true we can all live artfully. Lovely poem stitches.

  19. Marvelous Gaiman quote, and even wetter poem. I especially swoon at " to get
    our desires,
    we must do . . . "

  20. A inspired extended metaphor.

    life breaks,
    I stitch stories
    to whole my pieces

    These wise words give pause.

  21. The story of my life! And so true...if all's going to hell, make art. Stitching stories to whole your pieces is an excellent phrase. Love it!

  22. your inspirational piece is sound advice. for all of us who are breaking under misery and tyranny, and finding life messy.!


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