Saturday, January 9, 2021

Hints of Green in Winter (and Stuff…)

not-quite Journaling, 3

1/7/2021: This poem bit is my response to certain person (a supporter of the Orange Infection *cough*) who, while watching the madness that took place in The Capitol Building, had the cojones (actually, the ovaries) to say, “I don’t understand how things could get this bad.” I figured that sharing this stanza would be a lot nicer than shaking her, while screaming, “Seriously, woman! Under what rock have you been lying to yourself lately?” See? I’m nice. (Wish to read other minds’ thoughts on the topic? Visit my Instagram cyber-home (@guerrerowords) and check out the comments).

 green’s the prettiest
color in winter, a hint
of spring coming home

1/8/2021: Things are sprouting in the wee jungle that is my living room in winter (and I’m loving it!). There is a kind of wild, energy-giving magic that raises out of seed and soil our hands help grow into more. So, dear friends, what—plant, idea, person—have you helped “grow into more” lately? Other than you (and me), that is.

amaryllis (Jan 7, 2021)

 amaryllis (Dec 31, 2020)

 found in a nearby compost pile *cough*, so I am not quite sure of what it is.
It looks like a daffodil, though… Time will have to tell (Jan 7, 2021)

- for Poets and Storytellers United (Writers’ Pantry #52: Year’s Beginning).


  1. Things deteriorate, things die ... new things get born and grow – sometimes very dramatically, sometimes naturally and peacefully. Hopefully we can maintain our equilibrium in the midst of it all! Your post is a reminder of balance.

  2. I love those hints of green in winter, Magaly, and your excellent response: your response to the ‘supporter of the Orange Infection’ is so true. What did they expect?

    Your photos are so cheerful! I have spotted plenty of green growth in the garden recently, including snowdrops and daffodils, but I fear the frost might kill off the new leaf buds on the honeysuckle vines. The willow is still clinging to its last leaves – and no new growth there. I live in hope.

    1. The ones who still surprised are a mystery to me. Oh, well, I suspect they won't be able to stay surprised for long. One hopes...

      I hope you let us see your snowdrops and daffodils one of these days. I'm always trying to get people to share their flowers, lol! And their willows, too. :-)

  3. I am quite staisfied in growing petunia flowers and tomato plants on my balcony. They are doing very well...I think they like me!

    1. Petunias are so pretty and tomatoes so yummy! You should let us see them one of these days. And I'm sure they love you!

  4. Green is indeed the prettiest colour in winter Love your little sprouts. We have heaps growing outside atm as it is summer here. We have a big vegie garden but it has grown a bit into a wilderness this year lol

    1. Wild veggie gardens are my favorites! I think they look beautiful and delicious. When I have a yard (I only have a balcony right now), I will do my best to let my garden dance with nature.

  5. Oh, there is no shortage of compost these days. Unfortunately, it nurtures the deadly weeds as much as the hopeful sunflowers. We have to be diligent gardeners, tend well.

    1. I guess that there are always positive sides to not-great things. I grow a container gardens, so... very little weeds. I have to be diligent about other things: pests, proper watering...

  6. i like how you colored the word "hint" in green. we are all waiting for spring. :)

    i think what happened at the Capitol Building can be avoided, if a certain someone stop tweeting... :(

    1. Thank you for noticing the green, Lee San. :-)

      And I hope you are completely right, since Tweeter has recently permanently suspended the Orange Infection's account.

  7. Green is medicinal. I like the way it is popping up, ready to stand tall. I think things have been so out of hand for so long. What did they think, playing cowboys and Indians.

  8. I have a packet of seeds I keep shuffling, waiting for the proper months to begin planting them--soon, but not just yet. I'm trying to hold out hope for a calm interlude until inauguration...but, yeah. Incitement carries expectations.

    1. I completely understand the urge to saw and what sprout... I have some tomato and pepper seeds that keep on calling my name, lol!

      I, too, hope the 20th brings better things, and none of the recent madness. 🤞🏽

  9. This was a lot nicer than I would have been--Can't live under a rock--you might get squished

    1. Under-rock housing is obviously very dangerous, lol!

  10. I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, there are many who unbelievably still support the "orange infection". But, as you remind us, Spring is coming. You are always a guidepost of positivity, Magaly, and much appreciated.

    1. The support makes no sense to me. I wonder if at least some of his supporters will see the light before it sets them on fire.

      Finding ways to stay positive helps me a lot, and being able to share that makes me happy. So, thanks a gazillion for saying that, Bev.

  11. Green is my go-to color ... always has been. I cannot believe what that individual commented ... looks like 'woonielouise' will have to hit Instagram more frequently. The images you included are precious snippets of green, the poem wonderful.

    1. You should've seen the person's expression when the words were said. I still shake my head when I think about it. Makes no sense.

      And it's always nice to see woonielouise on Instagram. I tend to share here what I share there, but it's interesting to read the different reactions.

  12. I am still seeking the right word to describe my feelings last week. Shock is all wrong, because they've been crowing something like this was going to happen (and I would have expected it, even if they hadn't been buffoonishly obvious about it). Simple sadness doesn't cover it. Rage... closer, but there needs to be a tinge of resignation. I don't know. Maybe I'll find the right word on some listicle some where.

    I've been growing a few things, but the new novel seems to be putting out some nice healthy looking leaves. It's too early to tell yet, but I'm feeling good about it.

    1. Like I've said to other friends, you aren't the only one wobbling between bewilderment and fury. People are mad.

      I love the idea of growing a novel. I can stop grinning at the imagery. 😁

  13. if you can derive
    pleasure from a little green shoot
    you have won

    1. You got me exactly right, Rall. I any of us can find something we can love and help to grow in the middle of all this horror, we wind a little bit every single day. 🌱

  14. Happy New Year. Hope your germinating surprises bring you much joy abd creative inspiration


    1. Thank you so much, Gillena. I am hoping for the same!

  15. observing nature,finding beauty, feeling pleasure is the best experience of life

  16. I love your plants! They are so pretty! Still so sadden from what happened in your country last week! I pray nothing like that happens again! Honestly, I hope everyone I meet, I help grow more! Big Hugs!

    1. No one can get to know and not become a bit brighter because of it, Stacy. So your hopes are realities!

  17. I love your post. Yes, you are nice. With the exception of 2 others in my big family they all follow the "thing" Even my daughter and son. I don't know who they are anymore. When we speak it can not be politics. I have a local friend that is going through some hard times and I make sure I phone her everyday. Have a very nice day today.

    1. That is a very difficult situation. I have a few family members I can't see eye to eye to (or can't share a comfortable meal with), it's never easy. You are so good to try to make your friends life a tad easier. That makes me happy, seeing people good to people.

      I hope your day and your week are wonderful. And I so wish understanding for all our families and friends.

  18. There has been such a division created by *cough, cough* The Tweedle'
    So many still being afraid to cross paths until it is absolutely safe.
    I made a modern nursery rhyme *spoofish* I'm not posting, but I'd be happy to email it to you. Cheers Jules (from Twiglets)

    1. So very true.

      I would love to read your spoofish nursery rhyme on the issue.

      Do send it my way: magalyguerrero @ live . com


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