Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Unconditional Friendliness

Unconditional friendliness is an art:
a story you bleed,

a pause you write eternal,

a seed you feed,
soil you turn
rich (and real) with heart and brains.

- the blackout that birthed this poem bit was crafted some time ago. I can’t remember what exactly inspired it (most of my blackouts come after interactions). But at the end of last year, while I was going through some of my old pieces (and thinking up new ones), the idea of reclaiming friendliness/friendships (after 2020) came to mind. There was a lot of loss in that dreadful year… I wonder if we will have the heart and brains it takes to rebuild.

- and echoing the wise words of a writer friend (thank you, Chrissa!), “January (and the rest of 2021 will be) all about finishing drafts & keeping the monsters on the page.”

- for Twiglet #208 (“a long silence”), and Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #51: Looking Back and Writing Forward, “revisit our 2020 Weekly Scribblings selection, and write new poetry or prose using one of the prompts.” I chose Weekly Scribblings #43: Found Poems and Erasures).


  1. Found poetry is so much fun. I really like what you've done with this.

  2. Nicely done.
    (Jules from Twiglets)

  3. I am blessed to have that one friend. We show each other unconditional 'friendness' and have for decades "rich (and real) with heart and brains."

    1. That is a blessing indeed (I, too, have proof). :-)

  4. Keeping the monsters on the page ~~ gave me a giggle. I am a compulsive editor.

    1. You aren't alone in your compulsion (or giggling), lol!

  5. It will be nice to see people face to face again in a party or get-together situation.

  6. Wonderful poem – and thanks also to Chrissa for those wise words.

  7. I love the idea of unconditional friendliness. I imagine the sour puss that sweetens when given a taste of friendship. They become soil you turn, changing something hard into something soft. Growing hearts and minds as you "write eternal".

    1. I imagine that too. It takes a lot of work and energy to be committed and patient enough to help another (and even more ourselves) to see what is right in front of us. Lots and lots of heart and brains.

  8. And you have also shown the importance of never throwing away things just because something more exciting comes along ;) XXX

  9. This is one work I would never erase. Well done.

  10. Unconditional love is a lot like that too...

    1. I think so, too. In a very ironic way, for unconditional love to exist many conditions must be met.

  11. Keeping the monsters on the pages, good idea
    Keeping on writing.

    Best Wishes for a happy healthy creative 2021


    1. I hope we are both productive and effective. The world already has too many monsters walking around.

  12. I'm a people person, and have so missed socialization. I'm hoping 2021 brings opportunities to be with people again!! Your black-out work is always amazing, Magaly. It's a gift.

    1. I've missed going to bookstores and conventions and just people watching. I hope this summer or even autumn is better than the last.

      And thank you for the kind words, Bev.

  13. Unconditional friendliness, indeed! We will rebuild. Love your words! (I've been seeing what is happening on the news! Please take care of yourself. I know the protests are not in New York, but I know things like this can spread!) Big Hugs! Love you!

    1. You are so right, Stacy. This kind of madness spreads without notice. We all must be careful.

      Sending you many, many hugs!

  14. a dog that loves you no matter what
    Sigh, ... I suppose there was no dog in your material in a place that would fit your theme. I needs must find another found poem soon. You did good with yours.

  15. I love found poetry and the whole idea of recycling words but hadn’t found any for a while. I love that you are a re/upcycler, Magaly - the art of ‘unconditional friendliness’ is a kind of upcycling in itself: upcycling your own smile into the smiles of others, badly needed at the moment. Thank you for your unconditional friendliness!

    1. And I love the way you put it, Kim--"re/upcycler" is such a cool (and accurate) word. You made this metaphor extra wonderful. And I thank you right back, for your unconditional friendliness.

  16. Unconditional friendliness is something much overlooked, we usually hear "unconditional" linked to love. I love your artwork poetry. Or poetry artwork.

    1. I think these two "unconditionals" are kissing cousins. :-)

  17. Unconditional friendliness I can manage, but not without a streak of wariness, at least for the foreseeable future.

    1. You and me both. The alternative would be really irresponsible. And probably dangerous...

  18. It really has to be important to be even a part of the blood


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