Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Theory of Knowing

Last night, I knew all
I wanted—you. Then
comes the dawn, singing
of new wonders I want
today, wonders I don’t yet know
if I will still want
tomorrow night.

- for my friend, Re, and for anyone who finds themself at the end of a relationship they thought would last forever, and is now convinced that they will never (ever) love again. Endings and Beginnings happen—and we never know which is which, until we know.

- linked to Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #54: Hindsight Is Rather Tricky).

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  1. Beautifully said, and great title. Ha! I have lived to be glad a few times over for those sad-at-the-time-endings.

  2. I love this, Magaly! It’s been a long time since I felt like that, but you reminded me with your bittersweet words.

    1. It has been a long time for me too--thank goodness!

  3. Beautifully melancholy piece. The way all our minds pay with our "comfortableness" if we are honest. XXX

  4. My best wishes to whoever needs them! <3

  5. I hope Re finds beautiful things to explore and good things to want on the next stage of their journey. I know I've been there before, and been disoriented when dealing with the thoughts of 'what comes next?'

    Also, killer line breaks on this one!

    1. After I wrote the poem, I recommended Re read the comments. I, too, hope that seeing that a lot of those have been there--didn't care for it, but are still doing quite well--would help.

    2. Thank you for noticing the line breaks *wink-wink*.

  6. Uncertainty can reign. No doubt. We makes our choices and we lives with what we gots. Solid, succinct work, MG.

  7. That is so tight and powerful...had moments like this recently.

    1. I hope the recent happenings didn't hurt too deeply...

  8. Endings/beginnings are so hard, so terribly, terribly hard.

  9. Ah, the theory of knowing --- a never-ending ever-evolving state!

  10. A universal message ... love it and paying it forward to all who need it!!!

  11. Mrs. Jim said if I died today she would not remarry but rather get a dog. Later in the day something she did was nice but not of the ordinary. I told her that my new wife, a dog, could not have done what she did.
    Just today!! Magaly, thank you for hosting, this prompt turned out nice. I think we all have a few "If only's" in our lives. I do but don't regret doing what I did instead.

  12. Beautifully written and well said! It's all so very hard!!! Blessings to your friend! Big Hugs Magaly!

  13. One can only suffer a certain number of endings in a life Expectations are the root of all misery says Will. Living in the moment plodding along...left right left right....is the go

  14. Beginnings are most always fun and exciting. Endings are at times painful, but other times a blessing, like..."whew! finally!". I guess we just have to wait until tomorrow night to see what comes about. I have learned not to "expect" anything...just go with the flow.

    1. I, too, have found much value in the "go with the flow" theory.

  15. Do I want it, or do I not? I don't know. Maybe I never did and never will!

  16. There are always going to be uncertainties, or else life would be quite boring. Great poem, Magaly!


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