Thursday, April 28, 2022

Blues and Brights

not-quite Journaling, 34

Wee magics

in and out of my hearth,

to celebrate spring, life
and all Nature

4/26/2022: On my way to the oncologist, I saw a tiny bouquet sprouting out of the trunk of a cherry blossom tree; on my way home, I noticed that someone had stuck a heart(ring) in the bark of a tree growing by the bus stop; when I got home, I found a ladybug exploring the window screen in my bedroom; all these seemingly small things, made my day a little better. Now, if I could only stop bleeding out of not so comfortable places, then “a little better” would morph into “just perfect”.


Unseasonable chills hold my garden hostage, but birdsong flies free.

 4/28/2022: A couple of days aren’t enough to achieve “just perfect”, but I’ve arrived at “so much better”. The cough still troubles me at night, but that’s manageable. The weather seems to finally be leaving the 30s behind (it’s supposed to be 30-something degrees Celsius tonight, then 40s and 50s!). Tomorrow, I get to spend quality time at the garden center (I need soil). And then… into the garden! I am sooo looking forward to that. 🥰

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Friday Writers #24: Your Landscape.


  1. Magics indeed! Glad you are starting to feel better. I particularly love your American sentence about the birdsong flying free.

    1. I'm quite taken by the American sentence, too. Rereading it today felt really nice.

  2. Sorry to hear about you being sick Send you lots of strength love and light. I love how you say 'wee magics growing in and out of my heart'

  3. Wee magics are the only things that keep us going... mystery, hope and sparkle... in wee doses!!

  4. Putting your hands in the dirt is so rejuvenating. I hope you enjoy your planting and treat yourself to something fun at the garden center. I love the blossoms growing from the trunk. What a lovely harbinger of spring.

    1. Gardens are magic we can tend until the bloom and fruit. At the moment, we are on the fruiting state...

  5. "birdsong flies free" -- just beautiful! I hope things continue to improve for you!

  6. I love to stop and see the small things. Recently I found a doll in a tree and it cheered me up to no end.

    1. How wonderful! I love seeing the things people leave on trees. I've seen baby shoes, strategically placed glasses, fairy doors... such fantastic surprises.

    2. And I'm right there with you, I'm never in too much of a hurry not to stop and enjoy the wee magics.

  7. I am so pleased you derive such pleasure from plants and your garden. It makes me happy to see you happy.

    1. And knowing that you're happy makes me happy right back--I love a happy circle!

  8. You know I send you healing energy everyday. Our weather has been the pits too. I love several containers of beans and cucks. I have new seeds germinating. Those are lovely finds today.

  9. Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get to play in the dirt soon! I'd be happy for slightly warmer days too.

    1. And now that summer is sizzling, I bet you'd be happy for slightly cooler says, lol! Well, I sort of am. So I might be projecting.

  10. I love that you call them "magics". That is the perfect way to see all those unexpected, beautiful moments. Glad you are feeling some better. I'll be happy to hear when you feel just perfect.

    1. I, too, will be thrilled when feeling just perfect can be applied to me and my bones.

  11. Crohn's Disease existed before glyphosate but it was rare. I don't know what else triggers it besides being misdiagnosed celiac sprue. RFK reckons some chemical food additives might have that effect.

    1. They still don't know what causes Crohn's Disease, just what triggers the symptoms. And even that isn't the same for every Crohn's sufferer. The struggle is real... and very annoying.

  12. Keen eye on these small "magics".

  13. It really is the little things in life that if we learn to see them and appreciate them we are truly "rich"

  14. Small magics ~~ just for you!! I looked at your garden held hostage, closed my eyes, opened them and visualized all it's going to be ~ soon. Please take care.

    1. If your visualization included an explosion of tomatoes, passion flowers, daisies, sunflowers, and other blooms... Then, you were so right!

  15. These are the little "gifts" that brings a spring to our steps and a smile on our faces. It's good to see you are on the mend, and the weather is behaving. Your American sentence is just perfection. Nothing can put a willing heart down. :)

    1. Thank you so much, for reading and for understanding.

  16. Continue to progress along the "so much better" road.


  17. I love, love that "all these seemingly small things, made [your] day a little better." Hope you also got to dig your fingers in the soil to grow wild and beautiful things. Be well, Maga!

    1. I've been digging, tending, and enjoying the results!

  18. I love that line,too—“birdsong flies free”. Saying that aloud is uplifting for me. I’m glad you saw the bouquet, the heart, and the ladybug. Good cheer to you, and I hope you get your soil.

    1. I'm so glad you found that bit uplifting. Knowing it, cheers me up too!

  19. I enjoyed your photographs.
    Wishing you well and hoping that things continue to improve for you.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. I love those little things you noticed! All very magical! Sending healing!

  21. I'm the same as I notice the little things that may pass others by and smile at them like it's a special secret left just for me. So glad you're feeling (mostly) better.

    1. It is a special secret left just for you. Sharing the experience just makes it grow, I think.


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