Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Cackles and Endings

You wear wings, I wear wild.
Your soul whispers of endings,
my spirit cackles at the moon.
We dance unlived dreams
real--in them, you
never drive your life away
and I scribble
no tears.

Today is the 11th anniversary of my little brother’s death. My heart is heavy with memories and music and food and laughter and tears… I’ve heard people say that grief lessens with time, but I think that’s just a well-meant lie. The shock and pain (and the way we deal with them) evolve, but the sorrow remains raw. Say his name with me today: Gregory Guerrero. He loved music (bachata and reggaetón); he loved food (rice and beans and carne guisada); he loved helping people (even when they didn’t deserve it); he got in trouble often; he laughed with his entire heart and his joy was contagious… I miss him.

photo by Tim Mossholder, on Unsplash
for Poets and Storytellers United (Friday Writings #116: Lasting Impressions)


  1. It doesn't get any easier with time. I still tear up when I think of my son.

    1. To lose a child would be an unfathomable sorrow. May his memory be a blessing.

  2. Some deaths you never get over. I am sorry to hear about you brother and your grief. Think of happy memories with him and laugh.

  3. ((empathy hug)) Sometimes the shock wears off and then something reminds you.

    Eventually I had to realize that if my brother were still alive, the teenagers he and I used to be would have become even more distant memories. That I have no idea what he'd be doing by now, or what he'd look like, or whether he'd have grandchildren.

    Sometimes I still cry because some total stranger died young. Not for hours, any more, and I don't feel embarrassed or even surprised, any more.

    1. Oh DUH...that was me, Priscilla King.

  4. Saying his name in solidarity / grief with you, dear Magaly.

  5. It's a beautiful, musical name. And, the way you describe him, no wonder you miss him! May your souls continue to dance together.

  6. Sorry to hear about your brother. A big hug .The poem is poignant and very beautiful

  7. You wear wings, I wear wild... this really is the best opening line I've read in a while. Big hug to you as you remember your brother, Gregory Guerrero... I can feel your grief in your poem.

  8. Magaly, You are right and my heart goes out to you. The most beautiful of tributes here - so much life in this short piece. His spirit will be smiling broadly, for sure.

  9. The above comment from Scott...

  10. You honor Gregory with your thoughts. I, too, learned that we live with our loved ones who passed away every day. Sometimes they fade but they always come back, helping us to be more empathetic to others suffering loss.

  11. Love the poetry of his name and to know about his loves. I lost two brothers in 2001. It is still such a tender trailhead.

  12. Such a poignant tribute. I love "he laughed with his entire heart". Grief doesn't lessen with time but it does evolve, as you so wisely say. I think it's good it does, otherwise we wouldn't be able to cope.

  13. A beautiful tribute to your little brother.....Rall

  14. This is so beautiful and a lovely trubute to your brother. I know you still are a good sister.

  15. I am sorry for you and family, the loss of family, especially young, hurts us for a long time. I didn't know before, do you tell of the circumstances? He sounded like a regular kid.

  16. A lovely tribute to your brother.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  17. This is so poignant, it's really sad when you have to part with people who have a chunk of your heart..... I understand truly.....scribble no tears

  18. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It is really difficult to handle grief. As I say no school teaches us how to accomplish this hard task

  19. Maga, your poem and tribute to Gregory is moving, as it beautifully captures living with loss and memories of a loved one. Like you, I've come to the realisation that grief doesn't lessen with time. Instead we learn to make space for joy alongside it. *Hugs*

  20. I am so sorry for your loss. I agree that grief does not get better with time. It may be 11 years, but to you it doesn't feel that way. People have asked how long ago my husband died, and then are dismissive that it was "sp long ago," like grief gets better with time. A beautiful poem.

  21. This is beautiful, Magaly. Grief doesn't disappear with time,
    you just keep moving on.

  22. True, trying to forget incidents, especially heart-breaking ones will go on putting us to the real situation. A highly touching piece, Magaly.


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