Thursday, February 1, 2024

Violently Cheery

not-quite Journaling, 65

1/16/2024: Winter has spread a snowy blanket over New York City. Inside my home, an amaryllis gets ready to spring. Don’t you just love how Nature balances herself?


1/25/2024: New York City has been stuck on Stephen King weather (thick fog and wet gloom) for a day or five. Things are supposed to stay that way for about another week. So, here is a violently cheery Montauk daisy (blooming in self-defense). Climate change? What climate change? *cough *


Neglect is a sickness,
and it spreads.

1/29/2024: I spent some time with a friend I hadn’t seen in years. We ran into one of her relatives, and the person told her that she should “stop wasting time running her mouth and go home”. At first, I thought the other individual was joking. When my friend just lowered her eyes, I was shocked at how little of the strong woman I used to know remained in her.

Since tact and I barely exist in the same reality, I asked her: “What happened to you?” She sighed and said, “I get more peace when I let her have her way.” She grabbed her bag and left, so I didn’t have time to contradict her statement. But the whole thing left me thinking about how self-neglect can tear the spirit to bloody pieces. And after the spirit is crushed, dreams, confidence, joy, hope, and self-love begin to die.


Art is
not just for show.

1/31/2024: Right after my mastectomy (some years ago), I was craving fresh fruit. My surgeon was of the nasty jello-and-even-more-disgusting-hospital-food school of thought. Since my Piano Man knows me better, he smuggled some of my favorites: lychee, longan, strawberries… so fresh you could taste sunlight in every bite. The green ‘flower’ in the blackout is the calyx from one of the strawberries. The memory still leaves me smiling (and craving strawberries).


30 extra pounds:
my own gym of flesh and bone
for calisthenics

2/1/2024: Some silver linings are difficult to appreciate. So, I wasn’t surprised that a workout buddy failed to see the benefits, when I told her, “Look on the bright side, these days I don’t need dumbbells for strength training--my weights are built-in”.

for Poets and Storytellers United (Friday Writings #112: Silver Lining)


  1. I very much love all these! And I particularly like the way #4 asserts that 'Art is' before it goes on to the elaboration.

  2. Magaly, you keep a nice diary. Writing your memoirs should be fairly easy for you. Keep it up!! Of your three favorites I have never seen the lychee and longan let alone tasting them. You have a pretty balcony view, I don't think the one fairly soon will have such a pretty. I do want one that views the courtyard so I can see what it going on. Not on topic, but I want to be close to the dining room also, but up like yours.

    1. I'll delete this some time in the morning but my Doctorate degree is like yours but from the University of Houston.

  3. Ahh flowers and fresh fruit Yum. Hilarious I have some built-in dumbbells as well.

  4. Daisies are seriously "violently cheery" - wonder what about their fragile, minimalist, short existence makes them so... but therein lies an entire story!!!!

  5. Nature is cute lady with innate cosmetics applied and multi-hued ornaments worn. Nice pics.

  6. Lovely personal experiences candidly shared, Magaly.

    Your friend allowed the relative to have her way.
    Sometimes it is better not to put up with negative people and ignore them. But, later it can snowball into bigger issues and there can be no skirting them!

  7. The taste of sunlight in every strawberry bite lasted as did the delicious thoughtful gesture when you needed it most.

  8. That beautiful daisy is the perfect sight to see on a dreary winter day.

  9. Self love thy name is Magaly .... strong, you may sway in the breeze but you will not topple. Love this journal edition.

  10. This time of year can so often be grey and gloomy.
    Lovely to see that daisy and wonderful splash of yellow.

    All the best Jan

  11. Brrr ! looks cold from your balcony. One does not ingest poison for health reasons....same goes for toxic relatives or anyone for that matter,...BEGONE ! Rall

  12. I'm sad for your friend. I'm impressed with your resilience and art.

  13. What a wonderful way to be, "... tact and I barely exist in the same reality..." Sometimes tact isn't all it's cracked up to be. Hope your friend gains some of her old strength back. Shame on her relative. I always enjoy your stitched poetry, even if I fail to say so too often.

  14. Beautiful art - a little spark in the gloom.

  15. I know that if we lived close to each other we would be grand friends. We think a like on so many levels. I love how you can put it all in words that have such power. You are right, when the spirit is crushed all goes the rest. Hmmmm fresh strawberries so fresh you can taste the sunlight. What a beautiful memory. I love that your flower is taking off. Have a blessed day.

  16. First, your title is fabulous! The photos are wonderful, your blackout poems are brilliant, and your haiku made me smile. Good to read you again, Magaly!

  17. New York looks beautiful under a blanket of snow. Enjoy it while it lasts

  18. I love your blackout poetry so much, and your thoughts, and all your words.

  19. Your blackout poems, and life stories are always wonderful to read. Since Montauk is my favorite place in the world, I was pleased to see the daisy.
    Keep those gorgeous flowers coming!


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