Saturday, July 3, 2021

In Darkness, Remember the Moon

not-quite Journaling, 15

the poetry:

Her heart can’t quit thinking,

celebration of two halves
becoming one whole

When his heartbeats don’t serenade her sleep,
something rips the night apart—

the sound of laughter
sprouts like specters in the heart,
when her love’s away.

When thunder is the only music,
she remembers that

the storm,
her passion flowers
greet clouds and sunlight

And when in darkness,
her love remembers the moon.

 and the inspiration:

 6/18/2021: “A rose dreams of enjoying the company of bees, but none appears. The sun asks: ‘Aren’t you tired of waiting?’ ‘Yes,’ answers the rose, ‘but if I close my petals, I will wither and die.’” ~ Paulo Coelho

I suspect that most chronic illness warriors (and anyone who bares their teeth at adversity over and over and over) can feel this quote all the way to their bones (I sure do).

6/22/2021: All right, so “storm” might be a tad much. It was more like a rather enthusiastic cloudburst. Still, my passion flower is blooming beautifully, inviting bees and butterflies for a yummy snack. And since my Piano Man is away, visiting his parents, I appreciate the company and the scented cheer extra much.



5/29/2021: 7 years ago, my Piano Man and I spent this day walking around with our hands tied together by a ribbon made of threads send to me by people I love. It was a perfect day… And not just because I had more hair and two boobs *cough*.

- for Poets and Storytellers United--Writers’ Pantry #77: On Independence Day.


  1. Yummy in all sorts of ways! And here's to your joyful reunion.

  2. What a treat to have you personalize your post today Magaly with flowers and your Piano Man.

  3. Gosh is it 7 years since that beautiful day???? And it was SUCH a beautiful is every day he returns to you like a Bee to the Rose XXX

    1. I can't believe it either. 7 years seem like forever and like no time at all.

  4. So much. I love the reminder that there is always hope, growth after the storm, the moon's light in darkness. Love the love. Strings are attached. My poem today is ultimately about living with a chronic health limitation.

    1. I love the idea of strings attached by choice. They feel like a promise, a link, something to grow together...

    2. I truly enjoyed your poem, and felt it all the way to my achy bones.

  5. "And when in darkness,
    her love remembers the moon."
    The moon is always good for soothing absence in love

    Read Pablo Coelho but i cant remember which novel that quote is from.

    Happy Sunday


    1. I've always thought of the moon as a great way to find connection when apart. It might be slightly cliché, but it's still true that whenever we look up we all see the same moon... no matter the distance.

      The quote is from Manuscript Found in Accra.

  6. Love that true doesn't just ride out the storm, it dances in defiance of it to have a good story to share with the beloved when they reunite.

  7. love the tender love poem you post today. and the title is a great quote in itself. :)

  8. I love, I love all pieces in your not-quite Journaling, especially the inspiration (Paulo Coelho's quote) behind the first poem. Once again happy anniversary to you and your Piano man, dear Maga. I raise my glass to the beautiful couple. Celebration of love always inspires. <3

    1. Thank you, Khaya. I am so glad you like the quote and find the poem inspiring. If you ever read Manuscript Found in Accra, the origin of the quote, let me know how you like it!

  9. This post will go down in the 'these are a few of my favorite things' annals. Thank you, Magaly.

    1. You are most welcome, Helene. And thank you for telling me that. Now I am all smiles. 😁

  10. Absolutely gorgeous. The love expressed, from two halves becoming whole, to the whole of the moon. And the ribbon binds it all together. Congratulations to you and the piano man. :)

  11. Magaly , I love the picture of you and your piano man!Ribbons and the moon, all so deeply romantic and sacred! your poetry cuts me deep..because it is so beautiful and soulful..just like you!Your poems drip in the essence of you! I always feel shifted within after visiting your realm! Wishing you a sparkling week ahead..

    1. And your words add magic to my ink, my sweetest Victoria. Thank you!

  12. i love that coehlo quote so much...

  13. I love your love poem and the pictures and "in darkness remember the moon."

  14. Lovely photo quote and words.

  15. It's been 7 years already! Wow!!! This is all so beautiful!!! Big Hugs!

    1. I know, right! It doesn't feel like it's been that long. And at the same time, it feels like we've been together forever.

  16. A beautiful love poem. <3


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